There are a total of 26Cr Covid positive cases worldwide and is increasing. Performing Covid test requires blood samples and nose swab samples which can be expensive, time consuming and uncomfortable for many of the patients.
A possible solution would be to create a Deep Learning model which would predict if the person is infected by covid19 by analysing an AP(anteroposterior) view of his/her chest X-Ray image.
Dataset : Link
Data Characteristics: The Dataset contains images of Positive and Negative chest X-Ray images in AP view.
├── Sample_Images
├── Covid
├── Normal
├── static
├── css
├── js
├── templates
├── base.html
├── index.html
├── Uploads
├── COVID19_Detector.ipynb
├── app.yaml
└── requirements.txt
- Programming language : Python
- IDE : Visual Studio Code
- Visualization : Matplotlib and Seaborn
- Front end development : HTML/CSS
- Back end development : Flask
- Version control system : GitHub