DIT is a tool that allows Hyperview users to import and maintain BACnet and Modbus definitions from the command line. Hyperview has a GUI for users to manage BACnet and Modbus definitions, however, in larger sites with hundreds or thousands of sensors, a command line tool makes it easier to manage the definitions in bulk.
A valid Hyperview API client must be used. The API client must have the appropriate access. The configuration file must be placed in $HOME/.hyperview/hyperview.toml
client_id = 'c33472d0-c66b-4659-a8f8-73c289ba4dbe'
client_secret = '2c239e21-f81b-472b-a8c3-82296d5f250d'
scope = 'HyperviewManagerApi'
auth_url = 'https://example.hyperviewhq.com/connect/authorize'
token_url = 'https://example.hyperviewhq.com/connect/token'
instance_url = 'https://example.hyperviewhq.com'
DIT has various commands for the various actions it can perform.
$ ./dit help
An import tool for BACnet and Modbus sensor definitions for Hyperview
Usage: dit [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
list-bacnet-definitions List current BACnet definitions
add-bacnet-definition Add a new BACnet definition
list-bacnet-numeric-sensors List numeric sensors for a definition
list-bacnet-non-numeric-sensors List non-numeric sensors for a definition
import-bacnet-numeric-sensors Import numeric sensors to a definition
import-bacnet-non-numeric-sensors Import non-numeric sensors to a definition
list-modbus-definitions List current Modbus definitions
add-modbus-definition Add a new Modbus definition
list-modbus-numeric-sensors List numeric sensors for a definition
list-modbus-non-numeric-sensors List non-numeric sensors for a definition
import-modbus-numeric-sensors Import numeric sensors to a definition
import-modbus-non-numeric-sensors Import non-numeric sensors to a definition
list-sensor-types List sensor types compatible with an asset type
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-l, --debug-level <DEBUG_LEVEL> Debug level [default: error] [possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Sensor types and units can be extracted using the tool and exported to CSV to make it easy for you to build your imports.
- uInteger16
- integer16
- uInteger32BigEndian
- uInteger32LittleEndian
- integer32BigEndian
- integer32LittleEndian
- float32BigEndian
- float32LittleEndian
- boolean
- inputRegister
- holdingRegister
- coil
- discreteInput
If you are experimenting with the code on a single platform the usual cargo build
and cargo build --release
will work. However, if the desire is to build a binary that can run on multiple Linux distributions it is recommended to install the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
target and to build a statically-linked binary to avoid dependency problems.
The command to build a statically-linked version is:
PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=/ RUSTFLAGS='-C target-feature=+crt-static' cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release
The usual cargo build
and cargo build --release
will work.