📂 Gabriel Victor de Paula, João Victor Guerra, Luís Antônio Souza, Luiz Gustavo Soares, Pedro Henrique Machado, Aline Brito, Laerte Xavier. Explorando o YouTube como Fonte de Aprendizado para Desenvolvedores: Uma Análise em Larga Escala sobre Vídeos de Tecnologia. V Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EduComp), p. 1-13, 2025.
@inproceedings{YouTubeDesenvolvedores:EduComp:2025, author = {Gabriel Victor de Paula and João Victor Guerra and Luís Antônio Souza and Luiz Gustavo Soares and Pedro Henrique Machado and Aline Brito and Laerte Xavier}, title = {Explorando o YouTube como Fonte de Aprendizado para Desenvolvedores: Uma Análise em Larga Escala sobre Vídeos de Tecnologia}, booktitle = {V Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EduComp)}, pages = {1--13}, year = {2025} }
📂 Otávio Vinícius Rocha, Aline Brito, Cleiton Tavares, Laerte Xavier, Simone Assis. Analisando a Qualidade do Código em Plataformas de Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos. 12th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), p. 1-12, 2024.
@inproceedings{QualidadeMOOC:VEM:2024, author = {Otávio Vinícius Rocha and Aline Brito and Cleiton Tavares and Laerte Xavier and Simone Assis}, title = {Analisando a Qualidade do Código em Plataformas de Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos}, booktitle = {12th Workshop on Software Visualization, Maintenance and Evolution (VEM). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)}, pages = {1--12}, year = {2024} }
📂 Edson Campolina Silva, Rodolfo Rodrigues, Johnatan Oliveira, Danilo Boechat, Cleiton Tavares. Evaluating Test Quality in GitHub Repositories: A Comparative Analysis of CI/CD Practices Using GitHub Actions. 12th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), p. 1-11, 2024.
@inproceedings{GitHubActions:VEM:2024, author = {Edson Campolina Silva and Rodolfo Rodrigues and Johnatan Oliveira and Danilo Boechat and Cleiton Tavares}, title = {Evaluating Test Quality in GitHub Repositories: A Comparative Analysis of CI/CD Practices Using GitHub Actions}, booktitle = {12th Workshop on Software Visualization, Maintenance and Evolution (VEM). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)}, pages = {1--12}, year = {2024} }
📂 João Frois, Lucas Padrão, Johantan Oliveira, Laerte Xavier, Cleiton Tavares. Terraform and AWS CDK: A Comparative Analysis of Infrastructure Management Tools. XXXVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Ideas and Emerging Results Track (SBES IIER). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), p. 1-6, 2024.
@inproceedings{Terraform:SBES:IIER:2024, author = {João Frois and Lucas Padrão and Johantan Oliveira and Laerte Xavier and Cleiton Tavares}, title = {Evaluating Test Quality in GitHub Repositories: A Comparative Analysis of CI/CD Practices Using GitHub Actions}, booktitle = {XXXVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Ideas and Emerging Results Track (SBES IIER). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)}, pages = {1--6}, year = {2024} }
📂 Pedro Lambert, Lucila Ishtiani, Laerte Xavier. On the Identification of Self-Admitted Technical Debt with Large Language Models. XXXVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Ideas and Emerging Results Track (SBES IIER). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), p. 1-6, 2024.
@inproceedings{TechnicalDebt:SBES:IIER:2024, author = {Pedro Lambert and Lucila Ishtiani and Laerte Xavier}, title = {On the Identification of Self-Admitted Technical Debt with Large Language Models}, booktitle = {XXXVIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Ideas and Emerging Results Track (SBES IIER). XV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)}, pages = {1--6}, year = {2024} }
📂 Matheus Ataíde, Gustavo Silva, Cleiton Tavares, Laerte Xavier, Lucila Ishitani. Conteúdos de Engenharia de Software Verde em Cursos de Graduação em Engenharia de Software. VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EduComp), p. 1-11, 2024.
@inproceedings{ESVerde:EduComp:2024, author = {Matheus Ataíde and Gustavo Silva and Cleiton Tavares and Laerte Xavier and Lucila Ishitani}, title = {Conteúdos de Engenharia de Software Verde em Cursos de Graduação em Engenharia de Software}, booktitle = {VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EduComp)}, pages = {1--11}, year = {2024} }
📂 Erick Vinicius Oliveira de Paiva, Guilherme Carvalho, João Pedro Mayrink, Maria Maruch, Pedro Costa, Gabriel Pacheco, Laerte Xavier. Caracterização da população LGBTQIA+ na plataforma GitHub. 11th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM). XIV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), p. 1-5, 2023.
@inproceedings{LGBTQIA:GitHub:VEM:2023, author = {Erick Vinicius Oliveira de Paiva and Guilherme Carvalho and João Pedro Mayrink and Maria Maruch and Pedro Costa and Gabriel Pacheco and Laerte Xavier}, title = {Entendendo o engajamento das comunidades front-end e back-end nos repositórios do GitHub}, booktitle = {11th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM). XIV Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)}, pages = {1--5}, year = {2022} }
📂 Altino Alves Júnior, Letícia de Souza Meireles, Lucas Alves Rossi Figueira, Vítor Marcondes Morais Carmo, Vítor Marcondes Morais Carmo, Humberto T. Marques-Neto, Laerte Xavier. Entendendo o engajamento das comunidades front-end e back-end nos repositórios do GitHub. 10th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM). XIII Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft), p. 1-5, 2022.
@inproceedings{EngajamentoGitHub:VEM:2022, author = {Altino Alves Júnior, Letícia de Souza Meireles, Lucas Alves Rossi Figueira, Vítor Marcondes Morais Carmo, Vítor Marcondes Morais Carmo, Humberto T. Marques-Neto, Laerte Xavier}, title = {Entendendo o engajamento das comunidades front-end e back-end nos repositórios do GitHub}, booktitle = {10th Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM). XIII Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft)}, pages = {1--5}, year = {2022} }