Inspired by dmenu and slmenu, but designed around single-keypress interaction. It maps each line of stdin (up to a maximum of 35 by default) to a key and outputs the selected line to stdout. Useful for repetitive user-input tasks like categorising training data or or organising media into directories.
run make install
from the source directory (with root if neccesary)
no dependencies should be required
Navigate to a subdirectory:
cd `ls */ | umenu`
Navigate up and down directories
while CWD=`ls -al | awk '/^d/ {print $NF}' | umenu`; do
cd $CWD
Move all PNGs one-by-one to some subdirectory, or to trash
mkdir trash
for PNG in `ls *.png`; do
echo $PNG
mv $PNG `ls -d */ | umenu`
trash-put trash