A dynamic XML parser for Android.
Parx should support all the way back to Android Gingerbread 2.3, though it hasn't been tested.
In your root build.gradle (If you don't have jitpack already):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
In your app's build.grade:
dependencies {
compile 'com.jediburrell:parx:-SNAPSHOT'
To use, create a new instance of Parx.
Parx parx = new Parx(context);
Then to parse your XML simply call Parx.parx()
View output = parx.parx(xml);
Then you can use the output anywhere, simply by adding it to your view.
Refering to views
Because you're dynamically parsing the XML, you'll need to use dynamic IDs. If you set the id to a static integer, simply call findViewById(int)
Otherwise, you'll want to call parx.getIds()
. This returns a map with the names of your IDs and the ID integer. For example, if you created a view with the id @+id/example_id
. You could get it like such:
Custom URI Image Interpretation
You may prefer using a custom library for loading images from a URI. Before calling Parx#parx
, call Parx#setCustomImageLoader
with an extension of the abstract class Parx.ImageLoader
. Overriding Parx.ImageLoader#onUri
will provide you the URI as a String, as well as an ImageView.
If you'd like to contribute, simply create a pull request.
The main code is already set up, adding support for any of the unsupported tags and attributes would be extremely helpful.
Please try to stick to the existing coding style.