“These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them.Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalizing.”
Some tools, essays and everything about machine learning frameworks. Such as torch, tensorflow etc.
Some books about machine learning. There are some notes about books or the way we can get the book yet.
Just like book.
Essay about a terminology of machine learning. The essay can help us to understand the terminology. Such as activation function.
Some essays about an algorithm. Such as sort , search, etc.
Some essays about math. Such as probability, linear algebra.
Some essays about statistic.
Some essays about above everything.
Some paper about machine learning.
In this scetion, you can commit an essay about your idea or the implementation on a problem.
Before you commit it , please give a brief overview about your commit.
If you want to take part in this project, please contact with me by email ([email protected])
It starts from July 30th.