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Reinforcement learning environment for the WidowX 200 robot

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WidowX200 RL


The WidowX200 RL is built on top of IAI Kinect 2, video_stream_opencv, and Interbotix ROS Arms.

Setting up the Kinect

First install libfreenect2 to by following the instructions in:

To test that the Kinect is working try the following commands:

$ cd libfreenect2
$ ./build/bin/Protonect

If this works, then there should be a GUI with 4 split screens showing different camera readings. Next, to get the Kinect working with ROS, clone iai_kinect to into src:

Setting up the USB camera

Clone the video_stream_opencv repository into WidowX200_RL/src:

Setting up the Interbotix Commander

Clone the Interbotix ROS Arms repository into WidowX200_RL/src:

Then, to install its dependencies, run

$ pip install modern_robotics
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

To make the computer recognize the U2D2 controller, run

$ sudo cp ~/interbotix_ws/src/interbotix_ros_arms/interbotix_sdk/10-interbotix-udev.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Building the Workspace

After finishing the above steps, run

$ catkin_make

Connecting to the WidowX200

To verify that the WidowX200 is running and to debug issues, install Dynamixel Wizard:

Go to setting and make sure:

  1. Protocol 1 and 2 are selected
  2. ttyUSB is selected
  3. All baud rates are selected

Then, press scan. If this works, then you should see 7 motors connected

Overview of the Repository


In addition to the packages installed above, this repository features three more packages:

  1. image_server This package stores the pictures taken from a USB camera in a server such that they can be made available in real time to the rl environment.
  2. widowx200_core This package holds the controllers for the widowx200 robot. The main controller is in
  3. widowx200_rl This package contains the reinforcement learning environments and a joint subscriber which listens for commands given by the environment and relays the information to the robot.

Running the Robot

Make sure you have at least 5 command prompt panes available. In each pane, run source devel/setup.bash. Then, run the following commands:

$ sh
$ roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect_2 bridge.launch
$ sh
$ rosrun widowx200_rl
$ rosrun widowx200_core

Callibrating the Kinect

Callibrating the Kinect requires fine-tuning gym_replab/utils/ parameters such that the only the objects in the tray are detected. Afterwards, run the script, and place an object down at 9 locations inside the tray to find a linear mapping between the kinect camera coordinates and the robot coordinates


Reinforcement learning environment for the WidowX 200 robot






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