This will perform a vulnerability scan of all images of currently running containers. The schedule is defined in the crontab file. It is recommended to have the log files pushed into a logging tool such as Splunk (will need to set TRUNCATE=0 in props.conf) for analysis and alerting.
- Copy the .env-sample file to .env
- Run
docker-compose down && docker-compose up --build -d && docker-compose logs -f
- Press
to stop tailing the container logs (container will continue to run) - The scan logs will be stored in the scan-logs directory
NOTE: The scans run on a schedule, however, you can trigger a manual scan. Below are some examples.
docker-compose run --rm trivy /scripts/ jtmotox/docker-trivy:local
docker-compose run --rm trivy /scripts/
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock image nginx:latest
> cat ./scan-logs/combined/1730003018_jtmotox+docker-trivy:local.json | jq -r '.Results[].Vulnerabilities[] | .Severity + "~" + .PkgName + "~Fixed in " + .FixedVersion + "~" + .VulnerabilityID' | sort | uniq | column -t -s '~'
LOW Fixed in CVE-2020-8912
LOW libcurl Fixed in 7.83.1-r3 CVE-2022-35252
MEDIUM Fixed in CVE-2020-8911
MEDIUM Fixed in 3.9.4 CVE-2022-36055
UNKNOWN Fixed in GHSA-7f33-f4f5-xwgw
UNKNOWN Fixed in GHSA-f5pg-7wfw-84q9
UNKNOWN Fixed in 3.9.4 GHSA-7hfp-qfw3-5jxh
> find ./scan-logs/combined/ -name "*.json" | while read -r LOGFILE; do echo "${LOGFILE}"; cat "${LOGFILE}" | jq -r '.Results[] | select(.Vulnerabilities) | .Vulnerabilities[] | .Severity + "~" + .PkgName + "~Fixed in " + .FixedVersion + "~" + .VulnerabilityID' | grep -v -E '^(MEDIUM|LOW|UNKNOWN)' | sort | uniq; done | column -t -s '~'
HIGH Fixed in v1.1.2 CVE-2022-29162
HIGH libssl1.1 Fixed in 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.12 CVE-2022-0778
HIGH openssl Fixed in 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.12 CVE-2022-0778
CRITICAL curl Fixed in 7.83.1-r2 CVE-2022-32207
CRITICAL libcurl Fixed in 7.83.1-r2 CVE-2022-32207
CRITICAL zlib Fixed in 1.2.12-r2 CVE-2022-37434
HIGH busybox Fixed in 1.35.0-r15 CVE-2022-30065
HIGH ssl_client Fixed in 1.35.0-r15 CVE-2022-30065
find ./scan-logs/combined/ -name "*.json" | while read -r LOGFILE; do cat "${LOGFILE}" | jq -r '.Results[] | select(.Vulnerabilities) | .Vulnerabilities[] | .Severity + "~" + .PkgName + "~Fixed in " + .FixedVersion + "~" + .VulnerabilityID' | grep -v -E '^(MEDIUM|LOW|UNKNOWN)' | wc -l | xargs -I {} echo "{} ${LOGFILE}"; done | sort -rn
226 ./scan-logs/combined/1730000712_clp-prd-clp-web.json
217 ./scan-logs/combined/1730000508_clp-dev-clp-web.json
214 ./scan-logs/combined/1730002242_web-apache.json
207 ./scan-logs/combined/1730000994_jc21+nginx-proxy-manager:latest.json