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Support multi-column filtering for DF2TFilter (#602)
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Fixes #372.

Co-authored-by: wheeheee <[email protected]>
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martinholters and wheeheee authored Dec 3, 2024
1 parent be65e83 commit 710ee46
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107 changes: 66 additions & 41 deletions src/Filters/filt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -116,17 +116,24 @@ filt(f::FilterCoefficients{:z}, x) = filt(convert(SecondOrderSections, f), x)
filt!(out, f::FilterCoefficients{:z}, x) = filt!(out, convert(SecondOrderSections, f), x)

DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}[, si])
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}[, sitype::Type])
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}, coldims::Tuple)
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}, sitype::Type, coldims::Tuple = ())
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}, si)
Construct a stateful direct form II transposed filter with
coefficients `coef`.
One can optionally specify as the second argument either
- `si`, an array representing the initial filter state, or
- `sitype`, the eltype of a zeroed `si`
The initial filter state defaults to zeros (of a type derived from `coef`)
suitable for vector input. Another element type of the state can be specified
with `sitype`.
The initial filter state defaults to zeros if called with one argument.
To allow column-wise filtering of higher-dimensional input, the size of the
extra dimensions have to be given in `coldims`. To e.g. column-wise filter an
input with size `(L, N1, N2)`, set `coldims` to `(N1, N2)`.
Alternatively, an array representing the initial filter state can be passed
as `si`.
If `coef` is a `PolynomialRatio`, `Biquad`, or `SecondOrderSections`,
filtering is implemented directly. If `coef` is a `ZeroPoleGain`
Expand All @@ -136,37 +143,40 @@ struct DF2TFilter{T<:FilterCoefficients{:z},S<:Array}

function DF2TFilter{Ti,Si}(coef::PolynomialRatio{:z}, state::Vector) where {Ti,Si}
length(state) == max(length(coefa(coef)), length(coefb(coef)))-1 ||
function DF2TFilter{Ti,Si}(coef::PolynomialRatio{:z}, state::Array) where {Ti,Si}
size(state, 1) == max(length(coefa(coef)), length(coefb(coef)))-1 ||
throw(ArgumentError("length of state vector must match filter order"))
new{Ti,Si}(coef, state)
function DF2TFilter{Ti,Si}(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z}, state::Matrix) where {Ti,Si}
(size(state, 1) == 2 && size(state, 2) == length(coef.biquads)) ||
function DF2TFilter{Ti,Si}(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z}, state::Array) where {Ti,Si}
size(state, 1) == 2 && size(state, 2) == length(coef.biquads) ||
throw(ArgumentError("state must be 2 x nbiquads"))
new{Ti,Si}(coef, state)
function DF2TFilter{Ti,Si}(coef::Biquad{:z}, state::Vector) where {Ti,Si}
length(state) == 2 || throw(ArgumentError("length of state must be 2"))
function DF2TFilter{Ti,Si}(coef::Biquad{:z}, state::Array) where {Ti,Si}
size(state, 1) == 2 || throw(ArgumentError("length of state must be 2"))
new{Ti,Si}(coef, state)

DF2TFilter(coef::Union{PolynomialRatio{:z,T},Biquad{:z,T}}, state::Vector{S}) where {T,S} =
DF2TFilter{typeof(coef),Vector{S}}(coef, state)
DF2TFilter(coef::Union{PolynomialRatio{:z,T},Biquad{:z,T}}, state::S) where {T,S<:Array} =
DF2TFilter{typeof(coef),S}(coef, state)

DF2TFilter(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z,T,G}, state::Matrix{S}) where {T,G,S} =
DF2TFilter{SecondOrderSections{:z,T,G},Matrix{S}}(coef, state)
DF2TFilter(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z,T,G}, state::S) where {T,G,S<:Array} =
DF2TFilter{SecondOrderSections{:z,T,G},S}(coef, state)

## PolynomialRatio
DF2TFilter(coef::PolynomialRatio{:z,T}, ::Type{V}=T) where {T,V} =
DF2TFilter(coef, zeros(promote_type(T, V), max(length(coefa(coef)), length(coefb(coef))) - 1))
DF2TFilter(coef::PolynomialRatio{:z,T}, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}) where {T} = DF2TFilter(coef, T, coldims)
DF2TFilter(coef::PolynomialRatio{:z,T}, ::Type{V}=T, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}=()) where {T,V} =
DF2TFilter(coef, zeros(promote_type(T, V), max(length(coefa(coef)), length(coefb(coef))) - 1, coldims...))

function filt!(out::AbstractVector, f::DF2TFilter{<:PolynomialRatio,<:Vector}, x::AbstractVector)
length(x) != length(out) && throw(ArgumentError("out size must match x"))
function filt!(out::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, f::DF2TFilter{<:PolynomialRatio,Array{T,N}} where T, x::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}) where N
size(x) != size(out) && throw(ArgumentError("out size must match x"))

si = f.state
n = length(si) + 1
size(x)[2:end] != size(si)[2:end] && throw(ArgumentError("state size must match x"))

n = size(si, 1) + 1
b = coefb(f.coef)
if n == 1
mul!(out, x, b[1])
Expand All @@ -180,40 +190,54 @@ function filt!(out::AbstractVector, f::DF2TFilter{<:PolynomialRatio,<:Vector}, x
elseif bs < n
append!(b, zero(eltype(b)) for _ in 1:(n-bs))
_filt_iir!(out, b, a, x, si, 1)
for col in CartesianIndices(axes(x)[2:end])
_filt_iir!(out, b, a, x, view(si, :, col), col)
vtup = ntuple(j -> b[j], Val(length(b)))
si .= getfield.(_filt_fir!(out, vtup, x, si, Val(:DF2)), :value)
for col in CartesianIndices(axes(x)[2:end])
_filt_fir!(out, vtup, x, view(si, :, col), col, Val(true))
_filt_fir!(out, b, x, si, 1)
for col in CartesianIndices(axes(x)[2:end])
_filt_fir!(out, b, x, view(si, :, col), col)
return out

## SecondOrderSections
DF2TFilter(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z,T,G}, ::Type{V}=T) where {T,G,V} =
DF2TFilter(coef, zeros(promote_type(T, G, V), 2, length(coef.biquads)))
DF2TFilter(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z,T}, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}) where {T} = DF2TFilter(coef, T, coldims)
DF2TFilter(coef::SecondOrderSections{:z,T,G}, ::Type{V}=T, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}=()) where {T,G,V} =
DF2TFilter(coef, zeros(promote_type(T, G, V), 2, length(coef.biquads), coldims...))

function filt!(out::AbstractVector, f::DF2TFilter{<:SecondOrderSections,<:Matrix}, x::AbstractVector)
length(x) != length(out) && throw(ArgumentError("out size must match x"))
_filt!(out, f.state, f.coef, x, 1)
function filt!(out::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, f::DF2TFilter{<:SecondOrderSections,<:Array}, x::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}) where N
size(x) != size(out) && throw(ArgumentError("out size must match x"))
size(x)[2:end] != size(f.state)[3:end] && throw(ArgumentError("state size must match x"))
for col in CartesianIndices(axes(x)[2:end])
_filt!(out, view(f.state, :, :, col), f.coef, x, col)
return out

## Biquad
DF2TFilter(coef::Biquad{:z,T}, ::Type{V}=T) where {T,V} =
DF2TFilter(coef, zeros(promote_type(T, V), 2))
DF2TFilter(coef::Biquad{:z,T}, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}) where {T} = DF2TFilter(coef, T, coldims)
DF2TFilter(coef::Biquad{:z,T}, ::Type{V}=T, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}=()) where {T,V} =
DF2TFilter(coef, zeros(promote_type(T, V), 2, coldims...))

function filt!(out::AbstractVector, f::DF2TFilter{<:Biquad,<:Vector}, x::AbstractVector)
length(x) != length(out) && throw(ArgumentError("out size must match x"))
function filt!(out::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}, f::DF2TFilter{<:Biquad,Array{T,N}} where T, x::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}) where N
size(x) != size(out) && throw(ArgumentError("out size must match x"))
si = f.state
(si[1], si[2]) = _filt!(out, si[1], si[2], f.coef, x, 1)
size(x)[2:end] != size(si)[2:end] && throw(ArgumentError("state size must match x"))
for col in CartesianIndices(axes(x)[2:end])
(si[1, col], si[2, col]) = _filt!(out, si[1, col], si[2, col], f.coef, x, col)
return out

filt(f::DF2TFilter{<:FilterCoefficients{:z},<:Array{T}}, x::AbstractVector{V}) where {T,V}
filt(f::DF2TFilter{<:FilterCoefficients{:z},<:Array{T}}, x::AbstractArray{V}) where {T,V}
Apply the [stateful filter](@ref stateful-filter-objects) `f` on `x`.
Expand All @@ -223,13 +247,14 @@ Apply the [stateful filter](@ref stateful-filter-objects) `f` on `x`.
For more control over the output type, provide a preallocated
output array `out` to `filt!(out, f, x)`.
filt(f::DF2TFilter{<:FilterCoefficients{:z},<:Array{T}}, x::AbstractVector{V}) where {T,V} =
filt(f::DF2TFilter{<:FilterCoefficients{:z},<:Array{T}}, x::AbstractArray{V}) where {T,V} =
filt!(similar(x, promote_type(T, V)), f, x)

# Fall back to SecondOrderSections
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}) = DF2TFilter(convert(SecondOrderSections, coef))
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}, arg::Union{Matrix,Type}) =
DF2TFilter(convert(SecondOrderSections, coef), arg)
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}=()) =
DF2TFilter(convert(SecondOrderSections, coef), coldims)
DF2TFilter(coef::FilterCoefficients{:z}, ::Type{V}, coldims::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}=()) where {V} =
DF2TFilter(convert(SecondOrderSections, coef), V, coldims)

# filtfilt
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/dspbase.jl
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Expand Up @@ -118,12 +118,11 @@ end

# Transposed direct form II
@generated function _filt_fir!(out, b::NTuple{N,T}, x, siarr, colv) where {N,T}
@generated function _filt_fir!(out, b::NTuple{N,T}, x, siarr, col, ::Val{StoreSI}=Val(false)) where {N,T,StoreSI}
silen = N - 1
si_end = Symbol(:si_, silen)

col = colv isa Val{:DF2} ? CartesianIndex() : colv
N <= SMALL_FILT_VECT_CUTOFF && checkbounds(siarr, $silen)
Base.@nextract $silen si siarr
for i in axes(x, 1)
Expand All @@ -137,9 +136,10 @@ const SMALL_FILT_VECT_CUTOFF = 19
out[i, col] = val
if colv isa Val{:DF2}
return Base.@ntuple $silen j -> VecElement(si_j)
if StoreSI
Base.@nexprs $silen j -> siarr[j] = si_j
return nothing

Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions test/filt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ using DSP, Test, Random, FilterTestHelpers
df = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.25), Butterworth(4))
f = @test_nowarn DF2TFilter(df, ComplexF64)
@test_nowarn filt(f, s)

# DF2TFilter{ZPG/SOS} stackoverflow error
@test_throws MethodError DF2TFilter(ZeroPoleGain([1], [2], 3), :D, 'x', Ref(1))

@testset "multi-column filt $D-D" for D in 1:4
Expand All @@ -89,6 +92,26 @@ end
@test all(col -> col y_ref, eachslice(filt(PolynomialRatio(b, a), x); dims=slicedims))

@testset "multi-column DF2TFilter $D-D" for D in 1:4
b = [0.1, 0.1]
a = [1.0, -0.8]
sz = (10, ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))...)
y_ref = filt(b, a, ones(2*sz[1]))
x = ones(sz)

H = DF2TFilter(PolynomialRatio(b, a),sz[2:end])
@test all(col -> col y_ref[1:sz[1]], eachslice(filt(H, x); dims=ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))))
@test all(col -> col y_ref[sz[1]+1:end], eachslice(filt(H, x); dims=ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))))

H = DF2TFilter(SecondOrderSections(PolynomialRatio(b, a)), sz[2:end])
@test all(col -> col y_ref[1:sz[1]], eachslice(filt(H, x); dims=ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))))
@test all(col -> col y_ref[sz[1]+1:end], eachslice(filt(H, x); dims=ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))))

H = DF2TFilter(Biquad(PolynomialRatio(b, a)), sz[2:end])
@test all(col -> col y_ref[1:sz[1]], eachslice(filt(H, x); dims=ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))))
@test all(col -> col y_ref[sz[1]+1:end], eachslice(filt(H, x); dims=ntuple(n -> n+1, Val(D))))

# filtfilt
Expand Down

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