Find the lines in your favorite movies
The movies, subtitles and settings of the website are currently on an S3 scaleway bucket named movies-dot-kerollmops-dot-com
It is on my personnal account and I pay for it by myself.
The Meilisearch indexes are stored on the service on an instance named movies-dot-kerollmops-dot-com
It is on my personnal account and I pay for it by myself.
This instruction details the steps you need to add a new movie and to be able to search into it on
You should use s3cmd
to do so and must not forget to set the content-type
You can also change the size of the chunks your are sending to seep the transfert time.
s3cmd put la-classe-americaine.mp4 -m 'video/mp4' s3://movies-dot-kerollmops-dot-com --multipart-chunk-size-mb=125
Make sure that the file is public and accessible!
We advise that you also send the subtitle file to the S3 storage, this way you are sure that you don't lose it.
Retrieve the subtitle file, transform it accordingly and send it to the Meilisearch server in a newly created index. The index name should be clear and be named after the movie name.
The JSON documents should look like the following, the id doesn't matter. You can use the vtt2csv crate to convert it.
We would like to clean up the HTML tags from the text, it would be better
"id": "574",
"start": "1835400",
"end": "1837600",
"text": "Protestations"
You must update the index.json
that should be available on the S3 storage.
This file is a JSON file that lists the things that are available to the users, it looks like the following:
"name": "La Classe Américaine",
"indexName": "la-classe-americaine",
"movieFile": "la-classe-americaine.mp4",
"subtitleFile": "la-classe-americaine.vtt"
Once you updated it on the S3, please make sure that the file is public and accessible!
You will most likely need to change the CORS of the S3 bucket, you can find an example on how to do so with scaleway and s3cmd
and the cors.xml file in this repository.