It is a web application Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia. On the main page, users see a list of the names of all pages in the encyclopedia and after a click on any entry, the user is taken directly to that entry page. On the entry page, the user can edit that entry’s Markdown content. Markdown content is converted to HTML before being displayed on the page. The user can search encyclopedia entries by typing titles or substrings into the search box in the sidebar. Clicking “Create New Page” in the sidebar takes the user to a page where they can create a new encyclopedia entry. Clicking “Random Page” in the sidebar takes the user to a random encyclopedia entry.
In encyclopedia app directory there are files providing the whole process of interaction with encyclopedia:
- module - the views for encyclopedia app.
- folder "templates" contains HTML files for displaying the entries pages and forms;
- folder "static" contains CSS;
- folder "entries " contains Markdown files to represent each encyclopedia entry.
requirements.txt - packages that need to be installed to run the web application
- Python 3.7
- Django 2.1.5
- Bootstrap 4
Detailed requirements can be found here