Tool for mapping gene identifiers to identifiers used in the KnowEnG Knowledge Network by querying the KnowNet Redis Database.
This repo contains the Python3
script that performs the entity mapping, a
to create a Docker image, and a Dockstore.cwl
that is used by the Dockstore
to register the corresponding Docker image container and describe how to call kn_mapper for the community.
The input to this tool is a file of gene identifiers or property identifiers, separated one per line. Example input files, sample_genes.txt
and sample_props.txt
, can be found in this repository.
The output is by default a tab separated file with the file suffix '*.node_map.txt' with 6 columns in the current directory:
- The input identifier
- The Knowledge Network mapped identifier
- The type of entity, 'Gene' or 'Property'
- The official symbol or alias
- The gene or property description
- The gene biotype (e.g. protein coding)
Example output files, sample_genes.node_map.txt
and sample_props.node_map.txt
, can be found in this repository.
With Docker installed and the file you wish to map your_genes.txt
in the current directory, a simple command is needed:
docker run --rm -w=`pwd` -v `pwd`:`pwd` knoweng/kn_mapper:latest \
/home/src/ your_genes.txt
You'll then see a map file, your_genes.node_map.txt
, in the current directory. The -w
sets the working directory for the container and the -v
is used to volume mount the current directory to the container.
The usage of the main function in this repo is: [-h] [-rh REDIS_HOST] [-rp REDIS_PORT] [-rps REDIS_PASS]
If you want to modify the default parameters of, they include:
-arg | --argument | Description | Default |
n/a | infile | path to the file with identifiers to be mapped | required |
-rh | --redis_host | address of Redis database | '' |
-rp | --redis_port | port for Redis database | '6379' |
-rps | --redis_pass | password for Redis database | 'KnowEnG' |
-of | --outfile | if specified, path to output file | |
-sh | --source_hint | if specified, ID source database to resolve ambiguities | |
-t | --taxon | taxon id of species for all gene names | '9606' |
To find the list of taxon identifiers supported by the current version of KnowEnG, please visit this link.
A sample job parameters file for running a kn_mapper job with a CWL tool runner is provided, kn_mapper.job.yml
class: File
location: sample_genes.txt
redis_port: 6379
taxon: 9606
This template can be modified as needed and passed with the kn_mapper CWL description, kn_mapper.cwl
, for execution with a CWL runner tool.
You can also run the tool directly without docker:
git clone
cd KN_Mapper
src/ [path_to_input_file]
Normally you would use the knoweng/kn_mapper:latest
build image tag. But if you need to build the image manually you would execute:
git clone
cd KN_Mapper
docker build -t kn_mapper .
To set up your own copy of the redis database, you can grab the appropriate Redis database dump and then start up a Redis instance with it. For example, with Docker:
mkdir redis-$KNNET-6379
aws s3 cp s3://KnowNets/KN-$KNNET/redis-KN-$KNNET.dump redis-$KNNET-6379/dump.rdb --region us-east-1
# turn on redis
docker run -d --restart=always --name kn_redis-$KNNET-6379 -p 6379:6379 \
-v `pwd`/redis-$KNNET-6379:/data redis redis-server --requirepass KnowEnG