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Maps names to entity IDs in the KnowEnG Knowledge Network


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Tool for mapping gene identifiers to identifiers used in the KnowEnG Knowledge Network by querying the KnowNet Redis Database.

This repo contains the Python3 script that performs the entity mapping, a Dockerfile to create a Docker image, and a Dockstore.cwl that is used by the Dockstore to register the corresponding Docker image container and describe how to call kn_mapper for the community.



The input to this tool is a file of gene identifiers or property identifiers, separated one per line. Example input files, sample_genes.txt and sample_props.txt, can be found in this repository.


The output is by default a tab separated file with the file suffix '*.node_map.txt' with 6 columns in the current directory:

  • The input identifier
  • The Knowledge Network mapped identifier
  • The type of entity, 'Gene' or 'Property'
  • The official symbol or alias
  • The gene or property description
  • The gene biotype (e.g. protein coding)

Example output files, sample_genes.node_map.txt and sample_props.node_map.txt, can be found in this repository.

Default Usage With Docker

With Docker installed and the file you wish to map your_genes.txt in the current directory, a simple command is needed:

docker run --rm -w=`pwd` -v `pwd`:`pwd` knoweng/kn_mapper:latest \
    /home/src/ your_genes.txt

You'll then see a map file, your_genes.node_map.txt, in the current directory. The -w sets the working directory for the container and the -v is used to volume mount the current directory to the container.


The usage of the main function in this repo is: [-h] [-rh REDIS_HOST] [-rp REDIS_PORT] [-rps REDIS_PASS]
             [-of OUTFILE] [-sh SOURCE_HINT] [-t TAXON]

If you want to modify the default parameters of, they include:

-arg --argument Description Default
n/a infile path to the file with identifiers to be mapped required
-rh --redis_host address of Redis database ''
-rp --redis_port port for Redis database '6379'
-rps --redis_pass password for Redis database 'KnowEnG'
-of --outfile if specified, path to output file
-sh --source_hint if specified, ID source database to resolve ambiguities
-t --taxon taxon id of species for all gene names '9606'

To find the list of taxon identifiers supported by the current version of KnowEnG, please visit this link.

Alternative Usages

With a CWL runner tool

A sample job parameters file for running a kn_mapper job with a CWL tool runner is provided, kn_mapper.job.yml:

  class: File
  location: sample_genes.txt
redis_port: 6379
taxon: 9606

This template can be modified as needed and passed with the kn_mapper CWL description, kn_mapper.cwl, for execution with a CWL runner tool.

Run without Docker

You can also run the tool directly without docker:

git clone
cd KN_Mapper
src/ [path_to_input_file]

Building Docker Image Manually

Normally you would use the knoweng/kn_mapper:latest build image tag. But if you need to build the image manually you would execute:

git clone
cd KN_Mapper
docker build -t kn_mapper .

Setting Up a Copy of the Redis Database

To set up your own copy of the redis database, you can grab the appropriate Redis database dump and then start up a Redis instance with it. For example, with Docker:

mkdir redis-$KNNET-6379
aws s3 cp s3://KnowNets/KN-$KNNET/redis-KN-$KNNET.dump redis-$KNNET-6379/dump.rdb --region us-east-1
# turn on redis
docker run -d --restart=always --name kn_redis-$KNNET-6379 -p 6379:6379 \
    -v `pwd`/redis-$KNNET-6379:/data redis redis-server --requirepass KnowEnG