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testnet-deployment (#69)
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* testnet-deployment

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kaisbaccour authored Dec 10, 2024
1 parent a756c18 commit 6f3b24b
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Showing 4 changed files with 852 additions and 25 deletions.
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions script/output/holesky/Groth16VerifierExtension.sol.ignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {Verifier} from "./Verifier.sol";

// The query input struct passed into the processQuery function
struct QueryInput {
// Query limit parameter
uint32 limit;
// Query offset parameter
uint32 offset;
// Minimum block number
uint64 minBlockNumber;
// Maximum block number
uint64 maxBlockNumber;
// Block hash
bytes32 blockHash;
// Computational hash
bytes32 computationalHash;
// User placeholder values
bytes32[] userPlaceholders;

// The query output struct returned from the processQuery function
struct QueryOutput {
// Total number of the all matching rows
uint256 totalMatchedRows;
// Returned rows of the current cursor
bytes[] rows;
// Query error, return NoError if none.
QueryErrorCode error;

// Query errors
enum QueryErrorCode {
// No error
// A computation overflow error during the query process

contract Groth16VerifierExtension is Verifier {
// Top 3 bits mask.
uint256 constant TOP_THREE_BIT_MASK = ~(uint256(7) << 253);

// Generic constants for the supported queries
// TODO: These constants are possible to be changed depending on user queries exploration.
// Once we know which queries users are mostly doing, we'll be able to modify these constants.
// Maximum number of the results
uint32 constant MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS = 3;
// Maximum number of the items per result
uint32 constant MAX_NUM_ITEMS_PER_OUTPUT = 5;
// Maximum number of the placeholders
uint32 constant MAX_NUM_PLACEHOLDERS = 10;

// The start uint256 offset of the public inputs in calldata.
// groth16_proof_number (8) + groth16_input_number (3)
uint32 constant PI_OFFSET = 11;

// These values are aligned and each is an uint256.
// Block hash uint256 position in the public inputs
uint32 constant BLOCK_HASH_POS = 0;
// Flattened computational hash uint256 position
// Placeholder values uint256 position
// Result values uint256 position

// The remaining items of public inputs are saved in one uint256.
// The uint256 offset of the last uint256 of public inputs in calldata.
// Placeholder number uint32 position in the last uint256
uint32 constant REM_NUM_PLACEHOLDERS_POS = 0;
// Result number uint32 position
uint32 constant REM_NUM_RESULTS_POS = 1;
// Entry count (current result number) uint32 position
uint32 constant REM_ENTRY_COUNT_POS = 2;
// Overflow flag uint32 position
uint32 constant REM_OVERFLOW_POS = 3;
// Query limit uint32 position
uint32 constant REM_QUERY_LIMIT_POS = 4;
// Query offset uint32 position
uint32 constant REM_QUERY_OFFSET_POS = 5;

// The total byte length of public inputs
uint32 constant PI_LEN = 32 * (PI_REM_OFFSET - PI_OFFSET) + (REM_QUERY_OFFSET_POS + 1) * 4;

// The processQuery function does the followings:
// 1. Parse the Groth16 proofs (8 uint256) and inputs (3 uint256) from the `data`
// argument, and call `verifyProof` function for Groth16 verification.
// 2. Calculate sha256 on the public inputs, and set the top 3 bits of this hash to 0.
// Then ensure this hash value equals to the last Groth16 input (groth16_inputs[2]).
// 3. Parse the items from public inputs, and check as expected for query.
// 4. Parse and return the query output from public inputs.
function processQuery(bytes32[] calldata data, QueryInput memory query)
returns (QueryOutput memory)
// 1. Groth16 verification
uint256[3] memory groth16Inputs = verifyGroth16Proof(data);

// 2. Ensure the sha256 of public inputs equals to the last Groth16 input.
verifyPublicInputs(data, groth16Inputs);

// 3. Ensure the items of public inputs equal as expected for query.
QueryErrorCode error = verifyQuery(data, query);

// 4. Parse and return the query output.
return parseOutput(data, error);

// Parse the Groth16 proofs and inputs, do verification, and returns the Groth16 inputs.
function verifyGroth16Proof(bytes32[] calldata data) internal view virtual returns (uint256[3] memory) {
uint256[8] memory proofs;
uint256[3] memory inputs;

for (uint32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
proofs[i] = uint256(data[i]);
for (uint32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
inputs[i] = uint256(data[i + 8]);

// Ensure the sha256 hash equals to the last Groth16 input.
require(inputs[0] == uint256(CIRCUIT_DIGEST), "The first Groth16 input must be equal to the circuit digest");

// Verify the Groth16 proof.
this.verifyProof(proofs, inputs);

return inputs;

// Compute sha256 on the public inputs, and ensure it equals to the last Groth16 input.
function verifyPublicInputs(bytes32[] calldata data, uint256[3] memory groth16Inputs) internal pure virtual {
// Parse the public inputs from calldata.
bytes memory pi = parsePublicInputs(data);

// Calculate sha256.
uint256 hash = uint256(sha256(pi));
// Set the top 3 bits of the hash value to 0.
hash = hash & TOP_THREE_BIT_MASK;

// Require the sha256 equals to the last Groth16 input.
hash == groth16Inputs[2], "The sha256 hash of public inputs must be equal to the last of the Groth16 inputs"

// Parse the public inputs from calldata.
function parsePublicInputs(bytes32[] calldata data) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory pi = new bytes(PI_LEN);

// The calldata is encoded as Bytes32.
uint256 b32Len = PI_LEN / 32;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < b32Len; ++i) {
bytes32 b = data[PI_OFFSET + i];
for (uint32 j = 0; j < 32; ++j) {
pi[i * 32 + j] = bytes1(b[j]);
bytes32 rem = data[PI_OFFSET + b32Len];
for (uint32 i = 0; i < PI_LEN % 32; ++i) {
pi[b32Len * 32 + i] = rem[i];

return pi;

// Verify the public inputs with the expected query.
function verifyQuery(bytes32[] calldata data, QueryInput memory query)
returns (QueryErrorCode)
// Retrieve the last Uint256 of public inputs.
bytes32 rem = data[PI_REM_OFFSET];

// Check the block hash and computational hash.
bytes32 blockHash = convertToBlockHash(data[PI_OFFSET + BLOCK_HASH_POS]);
verifyBlockHash(blockHash, query.blockHash);
bytes32 computationalHash = data[PI_OFFSET + COMPUTATIONAL_HASH_POS];
require(computationalHash == query.computationalHash, "Computational hash must equal as expected.");

uint32 numPlaceholders = uint32(bytes4(rem << (REM_NUM_PLACEHOLDERS_POS * 32)));
require(numPlaceholders <= MAX_NUM_PLACEHOLDERS, "Placeholder number cannot overflow.");
// The first two placeholders are minimum and maximum block numbers.
numPlaceholders == query.userPlaceholders.length + 2,
"Placeholder number cannot overflow and must equal as expected."
// Check the minimum and maximum block numbers.
uint256(data[PI_OFFSET + PLACEHOLDER_VALUES_POS]) == query.minBlockNumber,
"The first placeholder must be the expected minimum block number."
uint256(data[PI_OFFSET + PLACEHOLDER_VALUES_POS + 1]) == query.maxBlockNumber,
"The second placeholder must be the expected maximum block number."
// Check the user placeholders.
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numPlaceholders - 2; ++i) {
data[PI_OFFSET + PLACEHOLDER_VALUES_POS + 2 + i] == query.userPlaceholders[i],
"The user placeholder must equal as expected."

// TODO: Uncomment once limit and offset supported
// Check the query limit and offset.
// uint32 limit = uint32(bytes4(rem << (REM_QUERY_LIMIT_POS * 32)));
// require(limit == query.limit, "Query limit must equal as expected.");
// uint32 offset = uint32(bytes4(rem << (REM_QUERY_OFFSET_POS * 32)));
// require(offset == query.offset, "Query offset must equal as expected.");

// Throw an error if overflow.
uint32 overflow = uint32(bytes4(rem << (REM_OVERFLOW_POS * 32)));
if (overflow == 0) {
return QueryErrorCode.NoError;
return QueryErrorCode.ComputationOverflow;

/// @notice verifies two blockhashed are equal
/// @param blockHash the blockhash computed from the proof
/// @param expectedBlockHash the expected blockhash, retrieved from the query
/// @dev this function is virtual to allow for different implementations in different environments
function verifyBlockHash(bytes32 blockHash, bytes32 expectedBlockHash) internal view virtual {
require(blockHash == expectedBlockHash, "Block hash must equal as expected.");

// Parse the query output from the public inputs.
function parseOutput(bytes32[] calldata data, QueryErrorCode error)
returns (QueryOutput memory)
bytes32 rem = data[PI_REM_OFFSET];

// Retrieve total number of the matched rows.
uint32 totalMatchedRows = uint32(bytes4(rem << (REM_ENTRY_COUNT_POS * 32)));

// Retrieve the current result number.
uint32 numResults = uint32(bytes4(rem << (REM_NUM_RESULTS_POS * 32)));
require(numResults <= MAX_NUM_OUTPUTS, "Result number cannot overflow.");

uint32 offset = PI_OFFSET + RESULT_VALUES_POS;
bytes[] memory rows = new bytes[](numResults);

for (uint32 i = 0; i < numResults; ++i) {
uint256[] memory columns = new uint256[](MAX_NUM_ITEMS_PER_OUTPUT);
for (uint32 j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_ITEMS_PER_OUTPUT; ++j) {
columns[j] = uint256(data[offset + i * MAX_NUM_ITEMS_PER_OUTPUT + j]);
rows[i] = abi.encodePacked(columns);

QueryOutput memory output = QueryOutput({totalMatchedRows: totalMatchedRows, rows: rows, error: error});

return output;

// Reverse the bytes of each Uint32 in block hash.
// Since we pack to little-endian for each Uint32 in block hash.
function convertToBlockHash(bytes32 original) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
bytes32 result;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
for (uint256 j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
result |= bytes32(original[i * 4 + j]) >> (8 * (i * 4 + 3 - j));

return result;

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