Grow your own Haskeller! The link to @Haskeller_bot
Telegram chat-bot for fun. The idea is to grow your own ”haskeller” with the following chat commands: /change_name, /grow, /info, /leaderboard
- to change the name of your haskeller/grow
- to grow by 1 IQ of your “haskeller” and see the current IQ/info
- to see all the characteristics of your “haskeller” (name, IQ, rank)/leaderboard
- to see the best five "haskellers" (name, IQ)
The initial state of “haskeller”:
- IQ = 0
- name = “Haskeller”
- rank = "Newbie"
git clone
Stack is a tool to manage Haskell projects. We used it while development of out product. To install Stack tool:
For most Un*x operating systems, the easiest way to install is to run:
curl -sSL | sh
wget -qO- | sh
On Windows, you can download and install the Windows 64-bit Installer. (this information from this documentation)
GHC is a haskell compiler. It needed to compile your haskell code. Stack can download it:
stack setup
Building project. It will install all dependencies.
stack build
To run last builded version of our project
stack run
To use our project you need input telegram bot API token. You can find all necessary information about token creation process here
Please enter telegram token:
<Your Telegram Bot API Token>