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Customers are building globally distributed IoT solutions with AWS IoT. A device that should connect to AWS IoT must be provisioned in the related AWS region. However when devices are shipped globally at the time of shipping it is not known to what AWS IoT region the device will be connected when it starts operation. With the sample implementati…


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Global IoT Device Provisioning

This repository contains the sample implementation for AWS Global IoT Device Provisioning. The architecture and how the solution works has been published in the AWS IoT Blog.

This document will guide you to the process to setup the required AWS resources. A virtual device is provided which can be used to test the sample implementation.

The setup has been tested on an EC2 Instance with Amazon Linux AMI amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170812-x86_64-gp2. Most of the resources will be deployed through an AWS CloudFormation stack. Some preparation is required before the stack can be launched.



Create the environment

  1. To lookup the geo location for the device's IP address is used in this example implementation. To use API from an API Access Key is required. To get your API Access Key follow the sign up steps at The Lambda function which determines the best region will get the API Access Key from an environment variable.

  2. Launch an EC2 instance with Amazon Linux AMI amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170812-x86_64-gp2, ssh into the instance and clone the repository from github into your home directory.

     git clone
  3. Create a rsa key pair in the directory aws-iot-global-device-provisioning/provisioning

     cd ~/aws-iot-global-device-provisioning/provisioning
     openssl genrsa -out global-provisioning.priv.key.pem 2048
     openssl rsa -in global-provisioning.priv.key.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out
  4. Upgrade pip if the latest version

     sudo pip install --upgrade pip
     hash -r
  5. Install required libraries for the Lambda function into the directory lambda. If you get warnings about requirements for cloud-init during the installation with pip you can safely ignore them

     cd lambda
     pip install -r requirements.txt -t .
  6. Copy the public key into the directory where the Lambda is located

     cp ../ .
  7. Create an installation package for the Lambda function

     zip ../ -r .
  8. The Lambda function will be created by CloudFormation an the CloudFormation template expects the installation package to be present in a S3 bucket that must be located in the same region where the CloudFormation stack will be launched. By using the awscli to create a bucket and upload the Lambda installation package you would use the following commands:

     aws s3 mb s3://<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>
     aws s3 cp ../ s3://<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>/

You can also use the AWS Console to create a bucket and upload the installation package.

  1. Copy the CloudFormation Template from aws-iot-global-device-provisioning/provisioning/cfn/cfn-iot-global-device-provisioning.json into the same S3 bucket. If the awscli is used the command looks similar to:

     cd ..
     aws s3 cp cfn/cfn-iot-global-device-provisioning.json s3://<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>/
  2. Launch the CloudFormation template from the AWS CloudFormation console

    1. Got to the AWS CloudFormation Console
    2. Create Stack
    3. Specify an Amazon S3 template URL: http://s3-<YOUR_AWS_REGION><YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>/cfn-iot-global-device-provisioning.json
    4. Next
    5. Stack name: IoTGlobalDeviceProvisioning
    6. IpStackApiKey: <>
    7. S3BucketName: <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>
    8. Next
    9. Next
    10. Check I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
    11. Create
    12. It should take some minutes for the stack to be created.
  3. The DynamoDB table iot-global-provisioning that was created by CloudFormation needs to be populated with device names that are allowed to be provisioned. The following command will create 10 devices named mydevice1 ... mydevice10 in the DynamoDB table and put their provisioning state prov_status to unprovisioned:

    for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do aws dynamodb put-item --table-name iot-global-provisioning --item "{\"prov_status\": {\"S\": \"unprovisioned\"}, \"thing_name\":{\"S\": \"mydevice$i\"}}"; done
  4. Scan the DynamoDB table to verify that the entries have been created:

    aws dynamodb scan --table-name iot-global-provisioning
  5. Install python libraries required to run the example global-device

    cd ~/aws-iot-global-device-provisioning/provisioning/global-device
    sudo /usr/local/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Copy the private key you created earlier into the directory where the global device is located

    cp ../global-provisioning.priv.key.pem .
  7. Get the CA certificates the could be used to sign the AWS IoT server certificates


Provision a device

In the previous section you have already configured a virtual device that can be used to demonstrate how the global device provisioning process works. This device is located in ~/aws-iot-global-device-provisioning/provisioning/global-device/ To start this example device you need to provide the API Gateway URL. The device will send provisioning requests to that URL. The API Gateway URL can be retrieved from the outputs section of the CloudFormation stack:

  • Go to the AWS CloudFormation console

    1. Click IoTGlobalDeviceProvisioning
    2. Expand Outputs
    3. You will find the API Gateway URL as IoTApiGWUrl

To demonstrate the provisioning process we will provision a device with the name mydevice3. The private key will be generated on the device and the corresponding CSR will be used in the provisioning process. After every major step the virtual device will wait for you to hit to better comprehend the provisioning process:

Let's get started:

./ -t mydevice3 -a -k

=> provisioning device with AWS IoT Core...
 thing-name: mydevice3
 use_own_priv_key: True
== press <enter> to continue, <ctrl+c> to abort!

=> creating own private key...
== press <enter> to continue, <ctrl+c> to abort!



=> request payload that will be send to the API Gateway...
 api gateway url:
 payload: {'thing-name': 'mydevice3', 'thing-name-sig': 'tBQisU1wlLyuolvPSqPT11GswHNUMMlHrAg3FpZq9ZGrI5/c5HxffwWRT1/R0PcTcUg/ewMwB8HX705GsNdz1udbjrtApEoFRaQrDYosej+1fL3dZQeqRzZLqoT7sIRX+AyM8/yaTNom5tmFNwmEdbY8xgR1NePIeURSlVmj5U4RGkQkQDBa/lcy4lSQFAmSd5NPcYLpcDwVr/TxXmGqJxOA/e/r5XobbEve4P2EuVFw7pIbNipljSRSip98yF4F9LzaTw2m/+eemtgsrPX++5/kr7+mST4QHDVK9yO6e9sUMpwyWB0lJ6I/XqwPfPu1acALrttb3gPHBw7gDu6pUA==', 'CSR': '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----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\nKnCSFX+mJqdIcBj7GJI+dh0kh2RS9Dbbe3460n0=\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n'}
== press <enter> to continue, <ctrl+c> to abort!

=> sending request to API Gateway...
<= headers: CaseInsensitiveDict({'x-amzn-requestid': '2548e86a-3e54-11e8-bf43-c750bb033a59', 'content-length': '1389', 'via': '1.1 (CloudFront)', 'x-cache': 'Miss from cloud front', 'x-amz-apigw-id': 'FOt0OGbzLPEFtQw=', 'x-amzn-trace-id': 'sampled=0;root=1-5acf5ce7-f0f1ad4f69bfe6aab1fe28de', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amz-cf-id': 'uOiG77A6Egn9R9voBea5pm40h2YquuVPEcThgegfJDS4oAUHumqg6A==', 'date': 'Thu, 12 Apr 2018 13:19:38 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json'})
<= text: {"status": "success", "distance": 472.3831871963406, "endpointAddress": "", "certificatePem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nY9nEnXkio0vb8UwrEdczMNBHAvqiIHvaE21Ey4chOi+qLujh\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", "region": "us-east-2"}
== press <enter> to continue, <ctrl+c> to abort!

=> writing cert/key to file...
=> device is ready to communicate with AWS IoT...
== press <enter> to continue, <ctrl+c> to abort!

<= device connected to AWS IoT in region: us-east-2
 before you continue subscribe in the AWS IoT console to the topic: data/mydevice3/misc
== press <enter> to continue, <ctrl+c> to abort!

=> start publishing... press <ctrl+c> to abort
=> publishing message: {'thing-name': 'mydevice3', 'global': 'device provisioning', 'date time': '2018-04-12T13:20:32'}
=> publishing message: {'thing-name': 'mydevice3', 'global': 'device provisioning', 'date time': '2018-04-12T13:20:34'}

Lookup the provisioned device in the Dynamo Db table

As part of the setup of the global device provisioning solution a DynamoDB table named iot-global-provisioning has been created and you have populated it with information about the devices which should be provisioned. By getting the entry for mydevice3 from the DynamoDB table you should find the time when the device was provisioned as well as the region in which the device has been created and the provisioning status (prov_status) is now set to provisioned.

Get item:

aws dynamodb get-item --table-name iot-global-provisioning --key '{"thing_name": {"S": "mydevice3"}}'

The output should look similar to:

  "Item": {
    "aws_region": {
      "S": "us-east-2"
    "prov_datetime": {
      "S": "2018-05-15T10:47:12"
    "thing_name": {
      "S": "mydevice2"
    "prov_status": {
      "S": "provisioned"

If you start the device again with the command ./ -t mydevice3 -a -k it will notice that it has already been provisioned because of the existing device key and device certificate and will immediately start publishing messages towards AWS IoT Core.

Modes to run the global device

The global device can be run in three modes:

  1. Send the thing name only in the provisioning request and receive private key, certificate and iot endpoint

     ./ -t mydevice1 -a <YOUR_API_GATEWAY_URL>
  2. Create a private key and send thing name and CSR in the provisioning request

     ./ -t mydevice2 -a <YOUR_API_GATEWAY_URL> -k
  3. Send a provisioning request with a wrong signature to demonstrate the failure of the signature verification process

     ./ -t mydevice3 -a <YOUR_API_GATEWAY_URL> -f


Best Region

As this is an example implementation one can also think at various other scenarios how the best region for a device could be determined. You could define one AWS region per continent or a specific regions for particular countries e.g. if legal requirements exists.

Unique Key Pair per Device

In the sample implementation all devices share one private key to sign data in the provisioning request. The related public key is include in the Lambda installation package. An approach to use a unique key pair per device could be to deploy a unique private key on each device and to store the related public key in the DynamoDB table for device provisioning.

Securing Api Access Key in Environment Variable

If you want to secure sensitive information in environment variables like the API Access Key you can encrypt your environment variables for lambda.

License Summary

This sample code is made available under a modified MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


Customers are building globally distributed IoT solutions with AWS IoT. A device that should connect to AWS IoT must be provisioned in the related AWS region. However when devices are shipped globally at the time of shipping it is not known to what AWS IoT region the device will be connected when it starts operation. With the sample implementati…



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  • Python 92.7%
  • Shell 7.3%