Releases: Like4Schnitzel/yt-dlp-Music-GUI
May 6 2024 Release
- Added an option to crop thumbnails to 1:1 (for album art)
- Artists will now get detected dynamically for each song in a playlist unless a constant is given.
October 26 2023 Release
New JAR of the latest commits.
January 23 2023 Release
- Fixed an issue where it wouldn't correctly detect the file path on Windows.
- Added the replace-chars variable.
EDIT: The config file inside of the provided zip file has a tab in one of the empty lines. Backspace it and the program will no longer give you an error.
January 18 2023 Release
Added support for downloading chapters and between two timestamps. Added support to specify paths for ffmpeg and yt-dlp. Added config file support. Lots of code rewriting to make it better and hopefully more readable.
If you're on Windows and don't have ffmpeg or yt-dlp installed, you can now download the release for Windows. It comes with executables for both of them, taken from here and here. It also already has the paths for them set in it's config file.
If you already have the dependencies installed on your system, it is recommended that you only download the jar file, due to the significantly smaller file size.
There is also the template config file with all the currently supported variables and their default values.
Dec 10 2022 Release
Now formats filenames so there's less issues with more restrictive operating systems. Currently only replaces ':', '/' and '?'. You can adjust these yourself very easily and I will be adding chars as I go (this project is mainly for personal use after all).
Also minor fixes with specifying playlist indexes.
Dec 1 2022 Release
Changed code to be more object oriented and fixed a small bug.
Nov 28 2022 Hotfix
Fixed escaping characters in playlists.
Also made it so that entering a slash in one of the fields now doesn't result in a change in directory.
Nov 28 2022 Release
Fixed being able to escape the post processing arguments by putting quotations in textfields.
Also split some of the code up into multiple files.
Nov 25 2022 Release
Added error messages in case ffmpeg or yt-dlp isn't installed. Also stepped down to Java version 8 for easier installation on Windows.
Nov 22 2022 Release
Added metadata embedding and moved down to Java 11