#VASP Utilities
Shell scripts and other code for helping with processing VASP input / output.
Repository contents:
- [checkforce] (#checkforce)
- [checkmag] (#checkmag)
- [checkmurn] (#checkmurn)
- [lspotcar] (#lspotcar)
- [mkmurn] (#mkmurn)
- [mkpotcar] (#mkpotcar)
- [mktrajectory] (#mktrajectory)
- [murncalc] (#murncalc)
- [parseDOSCARf.f90] (#parseDOSCARf)
- [README] (#readme)
Looks for OUTCAR in the current directory, and checks the most recently outputted set of forces against the convergence criterion.
For options use checkforce -h
List force convergence from VASP OUTCAR
Optional arguments:
-h, --help print this message
-c, --convergence=CONV set force convergence to CONV [this will override --outcar]
-o, --outcar read force convergence from OUTCAR
-v, --verbose show convergence status for all atoms
Standard output:
remainder: < sum{force on atom - force convergence} / number of atoms >
maximum: < max non-converged forces >
not-opt: < number of non-converged forces > / < number of atoms >
Outputs magnetization data from an OUTCAR file (default is to use current directory)
For options use checkmag -h
Outputs ion magnetization data from a VASP OUTCAR file
Usage: checkmag [options] outcar_name
-m, --mag NUM Set magnetization cutoff (default = 0.5)
-v, --verbose Output all ions
-s, --steps Output data for every step
-h, --help Display this screen
Checks convergence for calculations running for a Murnaghan equation of state fit. Each subdirectory that begins with a numeral is treated as a lattice parameter label, and checkforce is called.
Requires $POTCARDIR set as an environment variable. Acts as an alias for ls $POTCARDIR so that the environment variable is hidden. Required by mkpotcar
Identifies directories that match ./[0-9]*
and uses the cell scaling in POTCAR, and final energy in OUTCAR from each to construct an input file for murn
Requires $POTCARDIR set as an environment variable.
Syntax is mkpotcar <P1> <P2> ...
, where P1
and P2
(etc.) are names of pseudo potential directories in $POTCARDIR.
If any of the requested directories are not found in $POTCARDIR then lspotcar is called to give a listing of the available pseudo potentials.
Generates a .xyz
formatted trajectory file from the sequence of ionic positions saved in OUTCAR. Requires POSCAR to read in the numbers of each ionic species.
Calls mkmurn to generate a Murnaghan fit input file, pipes this to murn
, and identifies the zero pressure lattice parameter from the output.
Fortran90 code to convert from DOSCAR to {s, p, d, f} projected densities of states as nxy format.
Reads input parameters from parsedoscar.inpt
, which looks like:
DOSCAR Filename to read from
1600 NEDOS
4 Number of atomic species (maximum is currently 5: see nmaxspec in the source code.)
1 Number of atoms of species 1
1 Number of atoms of species 2
35 Number of atoms of species 3
72 Number of atoms of species 4 ...
.true. Spin polarised calculation? ( .true. / .false. )
d Maximum angular momentum ( d / f )
This file.