Drag[en]gine Game Engine Release 1.5.1
v1.5.1 quick fix release of the Drag[en]gine Game Engine.
Contains installers for End-Users (gamers) as well as Development tools for Game developers.
- Dragengine: Hardened linked lists against adding items already in another list
- Dragonscript: Fixed missing template file due to GIT refused to commit the file properly
- Dragonscript: Fixed FormLayout not using left padding properly
- OpenGL: Fixed transparent passes incorrectly filtering holed transparent geometry
- OpenGL: Changed shader language compiler to not throw exceptions if SSBO support is missing
- OpenGL: Fixed potential problem with component moving immediately from one game world to another with no frame delay
- IGDE: Fixed auto-fill of project path in new project dialot not working correctly
For End-Users and Game Developers:
- install-dragengine-1.5.1-linux64.sh
- install-dragengine-1.5.1-windows64.exe
- dragengine-live-1.5.1.zip (live-build suitable for running games without installing the game engine or demo-sessions on exhibitions)
For Game Developers (you do NOT need source code nor compiling to develop games,
just the engine and the IGDE):
- install-deigde-1.5.1-linux64.sh
- install-deigde-1.5.1-windows64.exe
For Engine Module developers:
- install-dragengine-dev-1.5.1-linux64.sh
- install-dragengine-dev-1.5.1-windows64.exe
For IGDE Editor developers:
- install-deigde-dev-1.5.1-linux64.sh
- install-deigde-dev-1.5.1-windows64.exe
Example projects to learn developing with the Drag[en]gine Game Engine can be found on the Wiki (https://developer.dragondreams.ch/wiki/doku.php/gamedev:deigde:exampleprojects) and in the DEExamples repository (https://github.com/LordOfDragons/deexamples).