Releases: LordTocs/CastMate
0.4.9 - Hotfixes
Same as 0.4.8 but with Hue Hot Fixes
- Fixed lights not changing state in 0.4.8
- Add LIFX Smart Light support
- Fix init error where sometimes scanning iot (Govee, TP-Link, Elgato) didn't show up in the UI.
- You must now supply your own Govee API key.
- In the Govee app under the "My Profile" tab, press "About Us", and then press "Apply for API key". It'll be emailed to you in a few minutes
- Put the API key under the settings for Govee.
- Fix Create Clip not creating a clip
Dev Junk
- Fix double initialization issue wreaking all sorts of havoc
- Upgraded to Vite 4.3.3
0.4.8 - LIFX and Bug Fixes
- Add LIFX Smart Light support
- Fix init error where sometimes scanning iot (Govee, TP-Link, Elgato) didn't show up in the UI.
- You must now supply your own Govee API key.
- In the Govee app under the "My Profile" tab, press "About Us", and then press "Apply for API key". It'll be emailed to you in a few minutes
- Put the API key under the settings for Govee.
- Fix Create Clip not creating a clip
Dev Junk
- Fix double initialization issue wreaking all sorts of havoc
- Upgraded to Vite 4.3.3
0.4.7 - Govee and Elgato
Added Govee smart light and smart plug support. It's important to note Govee isn't great at the moment. They have two APIs. There is the cloud api which is HEAVILY rate limited. There is a new local api, but Govee hasn't made this available on older models. There are currently no locally controllable smart plugs for govee. It also cannot specify a transition duration.
This implementation is ONLY for cloud. Local control will come when I purchase more test hardware.
The Govee plugin will automatically detect govee lights and plugs on your network. No additional setup is required.
Elgato Key Lights
Added Elgato key light support, they show up as a normal IoT light. It will automatically detect them on your network. No additional setup is required.
Hopefully fixed an issue with sounds double playing.
Fixed newly created overlay sources being marked as invalid.
0.4.6 - Whispers and Annoucements
Sorry this change requires additional permissions for your bot accounts and it will require you to authenticate with them again.
- Add Whisper Action to send whispers
- Note: Requires your bot to have a verified phone number. You can use the same number you use for your main account as long as you have "Enable additional account creation" on in Security and Privacy
- Add Whisper Trigger
- Allows chat commands to be sent via whisper directly to your bot
- Add Announcement action
- Requires your bot to be a moderator of your channel
0.4.5 - Emote Bouncer & Hotfixes
Emote Bouncer 🍪
- Added Gravity Controls
- Added Emote Size Controls
- Added Spam Prevention Controls (Thanks TheVisionaryOne)
- Fixed 7TV Emotes not showing up (Thanks Kharajo)
- Fixed BTTV Emotes not showing up (Thanks Kharajo)
- Fixed Range and Number inputs not clearing properly
- Hopefully fixed sounds delayed on startup (Thanks dix0nm8)
- Fixed timer inputs deleting your input if you type too big of a time (Thanks Pengusking)
Channel Point Rewards
- Added error messages for when channel point rewards fail to be created (Thanks QuicksandGM and TheVisionaryOne)
- Added color picker for channel point color
0.4.4 - Hotfixes
- Fix cooldowns not displaying on channel point rewards
- Bump internal twurple version to hopefully prevent error with canceled predictions
- Added template support to the Delay action
- Fix dropdown showing IDs instead of the name of the filter
Voice Recognition
- Fix confidence slider breaking a trigger by setting the confidence to an out of bounds value.
0.4.3 - Hotfixes
- Fix OBS Application Audio Capture sources pointed at CastMate also picking up audio from Launch Application action started processes.
- This appears to be an OBS bug, but it's easy enough to work around at the CastMate level
- Fix TP-Link Bulb Toggling
Philips HUE
- Fix connecting/reconnecting to the hub not populating light and plug resources.
0.4.2 - Smart Lights and Smart Plugs
This update adds the beginnings of a better smart light and smart plug system. Currently Philips Hue and TP-Link have been implemented. I have test hardware for Wyze, Yeelight, Wiz, Lifx, and Govee. So expect those brands in the future. If you have a specific brand of smart bulb or plug you want implemented, please let me know in the discord.
Total Rewrite of Smart Lights
- Single action for multiple brands of smart light and smart plug
- Now supports TP-Link bulbs and plugs (Thanks QuicksandGM)
- Now supports actions targeting a single HUE bulb or plug instead of just groups.
- Lights and Plugs are now running through the resource system!
- Profiles now have an activation mode. You can set a profile to be always on, always off, or automatically managed. Automatically managed is the default and will use a profile's normal activation conditions.
UI Improvements
- Complete rewrite of how light colors are picked.
- Most UI that can be templated either has a templates icon or a template button to put the UI into template mode.
- Fixed Number inputs sometimes not typing decimal points.
- Fixed some autocomplete weirdness.
- You can now tell which profiles are active from the profile list
- Fix Wheel erroring out with an empty item list (Thanks QuicksandGM)
- Alerts now support new lines in their title and message (Thanks SilverSquirrl)
- Labels now support new lines
- New Launch Application action to launch an application, and optionally not if it's already running (Thanks SilverSquirrl)
- Fixed Set Variable action not working with strings. (Thanks Dix0nm8)
- Include the starter_media in the installer (Thanks SilverSquirrl)
0.4.1 - Overlay Update Hotfix
0.4.1 - Overlay Update Hotfixes
- Emote Bouncer bounds are respected if you're not at 1080p (Thanks Kharajo)
- Only show the "Fix Browser Source" button when there's actually a browser source to fix.
- Increment action now supports templating
- Better type enforcement to stop accidentally converting Numbers to Strings internally (Thanks SilverSquirrl)
- Fix spellcast spells not triggering
Stream Plans
- Fix segment cards being squished on the dashboard
Powershell Action
- Powershell's special Unicode characters are now escaped in addition to the ascii ones (Thanks Dixon)
0.4.0 - The Overlay Update
- A WYSIWYG Editor has been added for creating browser source overlays for OBS.
- Edit the settings and see the effect as you go
- CastMate will automatically insert the source in OBS for you
- Widgets Available:
- Alert
- Use Gifs or Videos along with stylable text for an alert
- Labels
- Display text on screen and have it automatically update with CastMate's {{ templates }}
- Bouncing Emotes
- Bounce emotes around the screen when viewers use them in chat. Supports 7TV, FFZ, and BTTV!
- Random Selection Wheel
- Spin a wheel to select something randomly, allow viwers to spin, and get a trigger when it completes.
- Completely stylable from within CastMate
- Supports noise for the clicking of the wheel
- Switched to eventsub websocket! (After 2 long years of waiting!)
- New Triggers
- Raid Out
- Hype Trains
- Polls
- Predictions
- Shout Outs
Stream Planner
- Create an outline for your stream
- Automatically set title and tags
- Trigger automations
Voice Recognition
- Driven through the window's speech api we can now have voice activated triggers!
Discord Webhooks
- A new action for using Discord's webhooks.
Shell Command Improvements
- Now powershell only
- Templates used in the powershell command are escaped to prevent bad things.
- Configurable working directory!
- Variables can now be saved between CastMate sessions!
- Improved UX!
- Guided Extension Install
- Edit your spells directly from CastMate!
UI Improvements
- Many actions that were previously to make something explicitly on or off, now have a third state of "toggle" which will switch it from on to off and vice versa.
Dev Junk
- Resource system
- Resources are lists of configurable items. Some loaded from files, some from apis
- Discord Webhooks
- Overlays
- SpellCast Spells
- Resources are lists of configurable items. Some loaded from files, some from apis
- Switch to Yarn from NPM
- We're now a mono repo! Packages are:
- CastMate
- Overlay Components
- The actual Overlay
- C++ package for the microsoft speech api
- We're now a mono repo! Packages are:
- Switched to Pinia
- All of our vuex stores have been converted or replaced
- Super Weird Multi-Vite setup
- To get hot-reload working in both CastMate and the overlay browser we pull some shenanigans with alias and proxies
- An Untold number of other improvements