Releases: LordTocs/CastMate
0.3.9 - Channel Points Hotfix
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
Hot Fix for Channel Points UI Issue
- Fixed Channel Points drop downs spewing a bunch of JSON into your profiles and breaking the trigger. (Thanks Hoosp & SuzuKube)
- Fixed the tooltip coloring on mini-icons for actions.
0.3.8 - Polls, Predictions, and Transforms
ATTENTION: The permissions used by CastMate in this version have changed to allow for polls and predictions, you'll need to re-auth your twitch account.
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
- Add Set Source Transform action (Thanks QuicksandGM)
- Add Create Poll Action
- Add Create Prediction Action (Thanks FitzBro)
- Add lastSubscriber state
- This is sort of a stop gap implementation, as the twitch api doesn't include a way to fetch this information. I cache the lastSubscriber in a file, but we'll miss any sub that occurs while CastMate is off.
- Spiffed up the twitch card in the dashboard, you can now sign into twitch accounts directly from the dashboard.
- Fixed a bug with number inputs being unable to specify a 0
- Hide hidden state in trigger context
Dev Junk
- Bumped Vuetify version
- Handle errored template functions a bit more gracefully
0.3.7 - Twitch Triggers, Minor Fixes
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
Twitch Triggers
- Added User Banned Trigger (Thanks QuicksandGM)
- Added User Timedout Trigger (Thanks QuicksandGM)
- Prevent double tapping update button, hopefully to fix permissions issue (Thanks Dixon, Yawhatnever)
0.3.6 - SpellCast, VoiceMod, HTTP, and Command Lines - Hot Fix
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
Introducing CastMate's companion twitch extension SpellCast! SpellCast allows you to create and manage custom triggers to earn bits. Much like channel point rewards, spell buttons inside the SpellCast extension can be toggled on and off with CastMate's profiles. Check it out at
CastMate can now change your active voice in VoiceMod! (Thanks Hoosp, BubsTheBoy)
- CastMate can now send HTTP requests (Thanks Mozrila)
- CastMate can now trigger on incoming HTTP requests with the new HTTP Trigger (Thanks DonMortis)
- Routes are exposed at http://localhost:<port in settings>/plugins/endpoints/....
- Routes are defined using express.js's syntax
Shell Commands
- For advanced users you can invoke command line commands from the new Command Line action (Thanks Yawhatnever)
- Fix crash from null websocket
- Fix channel point rewards
0.3.5 - SpellCast, VoiceMod, HTTP, and Command Lines
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
Introducing CastMate's companion twitch extension SpellCast! SpellCast allows you to create and manage custom triggers to earn bits. Much like channel point rewards, spell buttons inside the SpellCast extension can be toggled on and off with CastMate's profiles. Check it out at
CastMate can now change your active voice in VoiceMod! (Thanks Hoosp, BubsTheBoy)
- CastMate can now send HTTP requests (Thanks Mozrila)
- CastMate can now trigger on incoming HTTP requests with the new HTTP Trigger (Thanks DonMortis)
- Routes are exposed at http://localhost:<port in settings>/plugins/endpoints/....
- Routes are defined using express.js's syntax
Shell Commands
- For advanced users you can invoke command line commands from the new Command Line action (Thanks Yawhatnever)
- Fix crash from null websocket
0.3.4 - Vue3 Upgrade OBS Websocket 5.0! - Yet Another Fix
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
This is a rather big update, at least under the hood, with some shiny new features for you to play with on the outside as well. Vue our frontend framework went through a major version change. As such we have upgraded too, this was quite an undertaking so if you spot any bugs let me know. The UI framework on top of Vue is still in beta, so some things are a little shaky still. Basically ALL of the code had to be changed.
We've upgraded to OBS Websocket 5, and with it will unlock a bunch of new more better OBS control options soon.
- Fix Source Enable action not having sources in the drop down. (Thanks Akashic, BubsTheBoy, HT)
- Fix Source Enable action not doing anything (Thanks BubsTheBoy)
- Fix Updater Window Not working (Sorry everyone!)
- Fix delete reward button appearing to not work (Thanks Akashic)
- Fix weird page refresh when dragging an item into an automation.
- This appears to be a really weird vue3 bug with recursive defineAsynComponent()s
- Fix infinite recursion when saving existing automations via the trigger editor (Thanks Akashic)
- Fix channel point rewards not switching properly (Thanks DonMortis)
- You can now pick your voice in TTS Actions (Thanks Akashic)
- Websocket 5!
- New Hotkey action will trigger a hotkey in OBS. Useful for things like the downstream keyer.
Twitch Chat:
- New Regex Matching for the brave. (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Triggers can now be restricted to certain users (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Trigger commands can now have templates in them. (Thanks DonMortis)
UI Upgrades:
- Automation Editing
- Copy Paste now always works!
- Better colors
- Drag Handles
- Selection rectangle works and looks better
- The automation inputs are themed around material design now
- Reward page is completely reworked to be clearer
- HUE integration now caches the IP of the bridge, no more 429 errors
- Twitch Channel Point Rewards are now loaded from Twitch servers instead of rewards.yaml
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
npm package.
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
- Fixes Set Variable action not evaluating templates (Thanks Hoosp)
Dev Junk:
- A truly uncountable number of tweaks and fixes
- v-model usage rework across the board to now use getter/setter computed props (see mapModel)
- node-hue-api has been replaced with our own implementation that uses HUE api v2.
- Changed to vite / vue3
- Vuetify is still in beta for vue3. Expect bugs.
- We're still using vuex, upgrade to pinia later
- Automation and Profile IO is handled through the IPC now. No more chokidar, hopefully this helps on low spec machines.
- Attaching the debugger FINALLY WORKS!
- Pruned a bunch of dependencies
0.3.3 - Vue3 Upgrade OBS Websocket 5.0! - Yet Another Hotfix
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
This is a rather big update, at least under the hood, with some shiny new features for you to play with on the outside as well. Vue our frontend framework went through a major version change. As such we have upgraded too, this was quite an undertaking so if you spot any bugs let me know. The UI framework on top of Vue is still in beta, so some things are a little shaky still. Basically ALL of the code had to be changed.
We've upgraded to OBS Websocket 5, and with it will unlock a bunch of new more better OBS control options soon.
- Fix Source Enable action not having sources in the drop down. (Thanks Akashic, BubsTheBoy, HT)
- Fix Source Enable action not doing anything (Thanks BubsTheBoy)
- Fix Updater Window Not working (Sorry everyone!)
- Fix delete reward button appearing to not work (Thanks Akashic)
- Fix weird page refresh when dragging an item into an automation.
- This appears to be a really weird vue3 bug with recursive defineAsynComponent()s
- Fix infinite recursion when saving existing automations via the trigger editor (Thanks Akashic)
- You can now pick your voice in TTS Actions (Thanks Akashic)
- Websocket 5!
- New Hotkey action will trigger a hotkey in OBS. Useful for things like the downstream keyer.
Twitch Chat:
- New Regex Matching for the brave. (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Triggers can now be restricted to certain users (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Trigger commands can now have templates in them. (Thanks DonMortis)
UI Upgrades:
- Automation Editing
- Copy Paste now always works!
- Better colors
- Drag Handles
- Selection rectangle works and looks better
- The automation inputs are themed around material design now
- Reward page is completely reworked to be clearer
- HUE integration now caches the IP of the bridge, no more 429 errors
- Twitch Channel Point Rewards are now loaded from Twitch servers instead of rewards.yaml
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
npm package.
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
- Fixes Set Variable action not evaluating templates (Thanks Hoosp)
Dev Junk:
- A truly uncountable number of tweaks and fixes
- v-model usage rework across the board to now use getter/setter computed props (see mapModel)
- node-hue-api has been replaced with our own implementation that uses HUE api v2.
- Changed to vite / vue3
- Vuetify is still in beta for vue3. Expect bugs.
- We're still using vuex, upgrade to pinia later
- Automation and Profile IO is handled through the IPC now. No more chokidar, hopefully this helps on low spec machines.
- Attaching the debugger FINALLY WORKS!
- Pruned a bunch of dependencies
0.3.2 - Vue3 Upgrade OBS Websocket 5.0! - Hotfix
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
This is a rather big update, at least under the hood, with some shiny new features for you to play with on the outside as well. Vue our frontend framework went through a major version change. As such we have upgraded too, this was quite an undertaking so if you spot any bugs let me know. The UI framework on top of Vue is still in beta, so some things are a little shaky still. Basically ALL of the code had to be changed.
We've upgraded to OBS Websocket 5, and with it will unlock a bunch of new more better OBS control options soon.
- Fix Source Enable action not having sources in the drop down. (Thanks Akashic, BubsTheBoy, HT)
- Fix Source Enable action not doing anything (Thanks BubsTheBoy)
- Fix Updater Window Not working (Sorry everyone!)
- Fix delete reward button appearing to not work (Thanks Akashic)
- Fix weird page refresh when dragging an item into an automation.
- This appears to be a really weird vue3 bug with recursive defineAsynComponent()s
- You can now pick your voice in TTS Actions (Thanks Akashic)
- Websocket 5!
- New Hotkey action will trigger a hotkey in OBS. Useful for things like the downstream keyer.
Twitch Chat:
- New Regex Matching for the brave. (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Triggers can now be restricted to certain users (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Trigger commands can now have templates in them. (Thanks DonMortis)
UI Upgrades:
- Automation Editing
- Copy Paste now always works!
- Better colors
- Drag Handles
- Selection rectangle works and looks better
- The automation inputs are themed around material design now
- Reward page is completely reworked to be clearer
- HUE integration now caches the IP of the bridge, no more 429 errors
- Twitch Channel Point Rewards are now loaded from Twitch servers instead of rewards.yaml
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
npm package.
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
- Fixes Set Variable action not evaluating templates (Thanks Hoosp)
Dev Junk:
- A truly uncountable number of tweaks and fixes
- v-model usage rework across the board to now use getter/setter computed props (see mapModel)
- node-hue-api has been replaced with our own implementation that uses HUE api v2.
- Changed to vite / vue3
- Vuetify is still in beta for vue3. Expect bugs.
- We're still using vuex, upgrade to pinia later
- Automation and Profile IO is handled through the IPC now. No more chokidar, hopefully this helps on low spec machines.
- Attaching the debugger FINALLY WORKS!
- Pruned a bunch of dependencies
0.3.1 - Vue3 Upgrade OBS Websocket 5.0! - Hotfix
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
This is a rather big update, at least under the hood, with some shiny new features for you to play with on the outside as well. Vue our frontend framework went through a major version change. As such we have upgraded too, this was quite an undertaking so if you spot any bugs let me know. The UI framework on top of Vue is still in beta, so some things are a little shaky still. Basically ALL of the code had to be changed.
We've upgraded to OBS Websocket 5, and with it will unlock a bunch of new more better OBS control options soon.
- Fix Source Enable action not having sources in the drop down. (Thanks Akashic, BubsTheBoy, HT)
- Fix Updater Window Not working (Sorry everyone!)
- Fix delete reward button appearing to not work (Thanks Akashic)
- Fix weird page refresh when dragging an item into an automation.
- This appears to be a really weird vue3 bug with recursive defineAsynComponent()s
- You can now pick your voice in TTS Actions (Thanks Akashic)
- Websocket 5!
- New Hotkey action will trigger a hotkey in OBS. Useful for things like the downstream keyer.
Twitch Chat:
- New Regex Matching for the brave. (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Triggers can now be restricted to certain users (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Trigger commands can now have templates in them. (Thanks DonMortis)
UI Upgrades:
- Automation Editing
- Copy Paste now always works!
- Better colors
- Drag Handles
- Selection rectangle works and looks better
- The automation inputs are themed around material design now
- Reward page is completely reworked to be clearer
- HUE integration now caches the IP of the bridge, no more 429 errors
- Twitch Channel Point Rewards are now loaded from Twitch servers instead of rewards.yaml
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
npm package.
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
- Fixes Set Variable action not evaluating templates (Thanks Hoosp)
Dev Junk:
- A truly uncountable number of tweaks and fixes
- v-model usage rework across the board to now use getter/setter computed props (see mapModel)
- node-hue-api has been replaced with our own implementation that uses HUE api v2.
- Changed to vite / vue3
- Vuetify is still in beta for vue3. Expect bugs.
- We're still using vuex, upgrade to pinia later
- Automation and Profile IO is handled through the IPC now. No more chokidar, hopefully this helps on low spec machines.
- Attaching the debugger FINALLY WORKS!
- Pruned a bunch of dependencies
0.3.0 - Vue3 Upgrade and OBS Websocket 5.0!
ATTENTION: You Must use OBS Websocket 5! This comes with OBS v28, but must be installed separately for OBS v27 and below!
This is a rather big update, at least under the hood, with some shiny new features for you to play with on the outside as well. Vue our frontend framework went through a major version change. As such we have upgraded too, this was quite an undertaking so if you spot any bugs let me know. The UI framework on top of Vue is still in beta, so some things are a little shaky still. Basically ALL of the code had to be changed.
We've upgraded to OBS Websocket 5, and with it will unlock a bunch of new more better OBS control options soon.
- You can now pick your voice in TTS Actions (Thanks Akashic)
- Websocket 5!
- New Hotkey action will trigger a hotkey in OBS. Useful for things like the downstream keyer.
Twitch Chat:
- New Regex Matching for the brave. (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Triggers can now be restricted to certain users (Thanks DonMortis)
- Chat Trigger commands can now have templates in them. (Thanks DonMortis)
UI Upgrades:
- Automation Editing
- Copy Paste now always works!
- Better colors
- Drag Handles
- Selection rectangle works and looks better
- The automation inputs are themed around material design now
- Reward page is completely reworked to be clearer
- HUE integration now caches the IP of the bridge, no more 429 errors
- Twitch Channel Point Rewards are now loaded from Twitch servers instead of rewards.yaml
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
npm package.
- Thanks BubsTheBoy for discovering an incredible bug in the
- Fixes Set Variable action not evaluating templates (Thanks Hoosp)
Dev Junk:
- A truly uncountable number of tweaks and fixes
- v-model usage rework across the board to now use getter/setter computed props (see mapModel)
- node-hue-api has been replaced with our own implementation that uses HUE api v2.
- Changed to vite / vue3
- Vuetify is still in beta for vue3. Expect bugs.
- We're still using vuex, upgrade to pinia later
- Automation and Profile IO is handled through the IPC now. No more chokidar, hopefully this helps on low spec machines.
- Attaching the debugger FINALLY WORKS!
- Pruned a bunch of dependencies