This repository contains implementation of MPI parallel FDTD on 2D plane with support for 1D and 2D decomposition. Implementing P2P and RMA mode and support hybrid mode with OMP. Output file can by save using seq method (Save on root rank) or par method using HDF5 library. Output files (H5 format) can be opend using VISIT tool ( Exmaple outputs of this program is in file outputs.
Author: Lukáš Plevač [email protected]
Load modules using ml.
ml purge # purge loaded modules
ml CMake/3.22.1-GCCcore-11.2.0 intel/2021b HDF5/1.12.1-intel-2021b-parallel
ml Score-P/8.0-iimpi-2021b # pro profilovani
Simply usimg make it make build dir and setup build using cmake
Mandatory arguments:
-m [0-2] mode 0 - run sequential version
mode 1 - run parallel version point-to-point
mode 2 - run parallel version RMA
-n number of iterations
-i material HDF5 file
Optional arguments:
-t number of OpenMP threads (default 1)
-o output HDF5 file
-w disk write intensity (every N-th step)
-a air flow rate (values in <0.0001, 0.5> make sense)
-d debug mode (copare results of SEQ and PAR versions and print result)
-v verification mode (copare results of SEQ and PAR versions)
-p parallel I/O mode
-r render results (with -d or -v) into *.png image.
-g Use 2D decomposition instead of 1D.
-b batch mode - output data into CSV format
-h batch mode - print CSV header
example run:
# generate material file input_data_1024.h5 for run
cd scripts && ./ && cd ..
# run parralel solver on 16 mpi processes
mpirun -np 16 ./build/ppp_proj01 -m 1 -n 78125 -i scripts/input_data_1024.h5 -d -r hello.png -g
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/git