Developed By : Mahmoud Eid Udacity Weather Journal App project
The following dependencies should be installed: run in the terminal npm install <package_name>
- NodeJs
- Express
- Cors
- Body-parser
In this project I have contributed the informations and learnings is gathers from the Udacity course. I learned how to create a Node server and how to send requests via api
- setup all dependences above
- start the server by running
node server.js
in your terminal/cmd - head to the browser and enter
This project is web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI.
- Preparing project environment in installing node and express and packages such as cors and body pareser
- An instance of Express app is created and pointed to the project folder with .html, .css, and .js files.
- Aquiring API credintial from
- A GET route that returns the projectData object in the server code Then, a POST route that adds incoming data to projectData.
- An asynchronous function to fetch the data from the app endpoint
- Function for Updating the UI dynamically.