CityLane Rooms is a comprehensive room management application designed for administrative use. This application allows you to manage rooms, bookings, settings, and users efficiently.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environemnt variables to your .env.local file: - VITE_SUPABASE_URL: Your Supabase URL, - VITE_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY : Your Supabase key.
Login: Secure login with provided credentials
- Username:[email protected]
- Password:12345678
- Supports CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, and Delete rooms.
- Filter rooms by discount: All, With discount, No discount.
- Sort rooms: by name (A-Z, Z-A); by price or by capacity (Low to High, High to low).
- Filter bookings by status: All, Checked-in, Checked-out, Unconfirmed.
- Sort bookings by price amount: (Low to High, High to low) or by date: (Upcoming first, Past first)
- Manage bookings by checking in, deleting, adding breakfast, and confirming payment.
- Configure breakfast price.
- Set maximum days for bookings.
- Define the maximum number of guests allowed per booking.
- Create new users with assigned email, password and metadata: full name and image.
- Update admin account: email, password and metadata: full name and image.
- Vite
- React js
- TypeScript
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- React Router dom
- Toastify
- React Icons
- Date-fns
- Supabase
- Nanoid
- Tailwind CSS