Product Feedback is an full-stack application, designed for managing feedbacks.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variable to your .env.local file: - VITE_SUPABASE_URL : Your Supabase URL, - VITE_SERVICE_KEY : Your service key, - VITE_CLOUD_NAME : Your Cloudinary cloud name, - VITE_CLOUD_API_KEY : Your Cloudinary api key, - VITE_CLOUD_API_SECRET : Your Cloudinary api secret.
- Sign up : Create account in order to use this app's functionality,
- Login : After creating account login,
- Cloudinary : Upload your image using Cloudinary API,
- Infinite scroll : Scroll and new data get's displayed.
- Supports CRUD operatins, when logged in, on your own feedbacks.
- Filter feedbacks by category :UI, UX, ENHANCEMENT, BUG, FEATURE.
- Sort feedbacks by likes (Most Likes, Least Likes), or by comments (Most Comments, Least Comments).
- Like feedbacks.
- Comment on feedbacks, and reply on other's comments.
- Vite
- Vue 3
- Typescript
- Sass
- Zod
- Toastify
- Cloudinary API
- Intersection Observer API
- Supabase