🎓 Network Engineering Student
🌍 Based in Brazil
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm passionate about software, networks, cyber security and constantly learning new technologies.
🎯 Focused on: Back-end development and security.
📚 Skills I'm studying for:
- 🌐 Networking basics and security
- 🖥️ Back-End Technologies (Python, C and C++)
- 🗄️ Databases (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL)
- ☁️ Cloud & DevOps (Docker)
- 🐧 Linux
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
- 🌐 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mateusrbastos/
- 🖥️ Courses, curriculum and certificates
🌟 Software is a journey, not just a product!
Feel free to explore my repositories, fork projects, or contribute! 🚀