Conveniently access all of Mavey's CodePath assignments, labs, and projects for CST 495: iOS Programming, facilitated by Jason Henderson this Spring 2018 semester at California State University, Monterey Bay.
- 01/28 Prework: Tip Calculator.
- 02/04 Week 1: Flix - Part 1.
- 02/11 Week 2: Flix - Part 2.
- 02/18 Week 3: Yelp.
- 02/25 Week 4: Build Instagram from the Ground Up.
- 03/04 Week 5: Twitter - Part 1.
- 03/11 Week 6: Twitter - Part 2. Submitted 03/13.
- 02/04 Week 1: Tumblr - Feed. Submitted 02/05.
- 02/11 Week 2: Tumblr - Details Screen.
- 02/18 Week 3: Flix - Auto Layout.
- 02/25 Week 4: Parse Chat. Submitted 02/27.
- 03/04 Week 5: Models and Networking. Submitted 03/05.
- 03/11 Week 6: Photo Map. Submitted 04/08.
- 03/25 Week 7: Canvas.
- 04/01 Week 8: Tinder.
- The Basics from Apple's official Swift documentation
- Jason's iOS examples
- The Official Swift Style Guide
- ImgBB - Upload and share images
- App Icon Maker - creates downloadable png files of various sizes
- CodePath iOS Guide - Fork on