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A Flutter package for selecting country codes from a list. It offers multiple modes for the country code picker and supports the locale of the current device in 70 different languages.


localization support


For Country picker dialog

final country= await CountryPicker.showCountryPickerDialog(context: context);

For Country picker bottom sheet

final country= await CountryPicker.showCountryPickerBottomSheet(context: context);

For Country picker cupertino bottom sheet

final country = await CountryPicker.showCountryPickerCupertinoBottomSheet(context: context);

For the Country picker dropdown

      onSelectValue: (CountryData value) {
        debugPrint('CountryPickerDropDown ::${}');

get the initial country with CountryPicker.getCountryData.

CountryPicker.getCountryData(context: context,code: "+1"); 

For localization

Add the CountryPickerLocalizations.delegate to the list of your app delegates.

return MaterialApp(
    supportedLocales: [
      localizationsDelegates: [


The CountryPicker class encapsulates all functionalities of this package. Utilize these optional properties to customize the appearance and view of the picker according to your preferences.

Fields Type Description
context BuildContext A handle to the location of a widget in the widget tree Required.
favouriteCountries List<String>? favouriteCountries will be placed on the top of list.
barrierColor Color? barrierColor that covers the screen behind a modal or overlay widget.
isDismissible bool? isDismissible determines whether the widget can be dismissed or closed by tapping outside of it.
backgroundColor Color? backgroundColor is a property to set the background color of the country picker widget.
useSafeArea bool? useSafeArea is for visible/avoids overlapping with system UI elements.

LayoutConfig and SearchStyle models are used to configure the layout and styling of the interface.

Fields Type Description
textStyle TextStyle? to set the Style for country list elements.
elementsSequence Sequence To set the Sequence of countries elements by default it is Sequence.codeCountryNameAndFlag.
flagWidth bool set width of the flag by default is 24.
flagHeight bool set height of the flag by default is 18.
flagDecoration Decoration? set decoration of the flag.
showCountryName bool show/hide country name by default is true.
showCountryFlag bool show/hide country flag by default it's true.
showCountryCode bool show/hide country code by default it's true.
searchFieldInputDecoration InputDecoration? to decorate or customize the country flag.
searchFieldInputDecoration InputDecoration? to decorate or customize the country flag.
hintText String? give the hint in searchBar.
searchBoxHeight double? set the height of search bar.
searchBoxHeight double? set the height of search bar.
searchBoxMargin EdgeInsetsGeometry? set the margin of SearchBox.

CountryListConfig model is used to manipulate the country list.

Fields Type Description
countryFilter List<String>? Provide the list of countries country code to show the list of countries in Country picker.
comparator Comparator<CountryData>? comparator is used to change the order of country list.
excludeCountry List<String>?? remove particular countries from our list.

Guideline for contributors

Contribution towards our repository is always welcome, we request contributors to create a pull request to the develop branch only.

Guideline to report an issue/feature request

It would be great for us if the reporter could share the below things to understand the root cause of the issue.

  • Library version
  • Code snippet
  • Logs if applicable
  • Device specification like (Manufacturer, OS version, etc)
  • Screenshot/video with steps to reproduce the issue


mi_country_picker is MIT-licensed.

Let us know!

We’d be really happy if you send us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to [email protected] And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestions regarding our work.