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Git-Repository to build Docker containerimage for MongoDB.


If you find this image helpfull, so you can see here how you can help:

  • Send a pull request with your features and bug fixes
  • Help users resolve their issues.


Before reporting your issue please try updating Docker to the latest version and check if it resolves the issue. Refer to the Docker installation guide for instructions.

If that recommendations do not help then report your issue along with the following information:

  • Output of the docker version and docker info commands
  • The docker run command or docker-compose.yml used to start the image. Mask out the sensitive bits.

Getting started


Automated builds of the image are available on Dockerhub

docker pull mongocamp/mongodb:8.0.4

Alternatively you can build the image yourself.

docker build . --tag 'mongocamp/mongodb:dev';


Start MongoDB using:

docker run --publish 27017:27017 mongocamp/mongodb:8.0.4

Alternatively, you can use the sample docker-compose.yml file to start the container using Docker Compose


For MongoDB to persist the state of the container across shutdown and startup, you should mount a volume at the data directory. The container image use by default /var/lib/mongodb. You can cange the data directory with the Docker Environment Variable MONGO_DATA_DIR.

The Quickstart and docker-compose.yml Sample command or the Quickstart bash command already mounts a volume for persistence.

Environment Variables

Variable Default Value Informations
MONGO_DATA_DIR /var/lib/mongodb
MONGO_PORT 27017 Specifies the TCP port on which the MongoDB
MONGO_ROOT_PWD NONE If the param not equal NONE or "" the MongoDB authorization will enabled. The password of the MONGO_ROOT_USERNAME will be reseted on every container start.
MONGO_LOG STDOUT Enable Loging to LogPath. Default is the stdout of the docker container, but you can also use something like /var/log/mongodb/mongo.log
MONGO_LOG_PATH /var/log/mongodb Enable Loging to LogPath REPLACED BY MONGO_LOG
MONGO_STORAGEENGINE wiredTiger Value for the storageEngine parameter
MONGO_WIREDTIGER_CACHE_SIZE_GB NONE Value for the wiredTigerCacheSizeGB parameter
MONGO_MAX_CONNECTIONS NONE Value for the maxConns parameter if not equal NONE
MONGO_REPLICA_SET_NAME NONE If the param not equal NONE or "" set name for replSet replication options
MONGO_BINDING --bind_ip_all ip binding ip binding options
MONGO_EXTRA_ARGS You can use every mongod commandline option
MONGO_REPLICA_KEY generate random Used for communication between replica sets Replica Set to Keyfile Authentication