This repo aims to implement an engine for Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Modules should be able to be attached to this engine in order to create specific recommendations as output from the Engine.
Dependecies | Why we need that | Version |
regex | Find paterns | NaN |
pandas | Dataframe integration | NaN |
numpy | Multi Dimensional Arrays | NaN |
The database is used to bring the values into a standardised format and to combine several data sources in order to achieve modularity.
The model manager has the task of logging the values stored in the database and setting them in such a way that locality-sensitive hashing can subsequently be performed on the database.
When you are satisfied with your model, you can save it via the engine and a binary file will be created using the Huffmann codec. This means the File will only have half the size of your regular Model.
You can later upload the model again without re-integrating all external data sources
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Create a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance from a CSV File
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Create a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance from a CSV String
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Init a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Init a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance
#Append a new Module to an existing Database
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Create a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance from a CSV File
#Set Scope
DB.define_scope(["ID", "Name"])
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Create a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance from a CSV File
#Set Scope
DB.define_scope(["ID", "Name"])
#Import Engine Class
from LSHEngine import LSHEngine
#Create an instance of the Engine Class
EngineInstance = LSHEngine.Engine()
#Start Engine
#Set the current Database the Engine should use
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Create a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance from a CSV File
#Set Scope
DB.define_scope(["ID", "Name"])
#Import Engine Class
from LSHEngine import LSHEngine
#Create an instance of the Engine Class
EngineInstance = LSHEngine.Engine()
#Start Engine
#Set the current Database the Engine should use
#Create Forest from Database
#Get Recommendations to a Search Term
rec = EngineInstance.recommendations("1 ABC")
#Import Database Manager
from LSHEngine.ModelManager import LSHClientDB
#Create an instance of the Database Manager Object
DB = LSHClientDB.Manager()
#Create a Database with help of the Database Manager Instance from a CSV File
#Set Scope
DB.define_scope(["ID", "Name"])
#Import Engine Class
from LSHEngine import LSHEngine
#Create an instance of the Engine Class
EngineInstance = LSHEngine.Engine()
#Start Engine
#Set the current Database the Engine should use
#Save DB to .bin File
#Import Engine Class
from LSHEngine import LSHEngine
#Create an instance of the Engine Class
EngineInstance = LSHEngine.Engine()
#Start Engine
#Load Database into Engine