Cloud backend for the IoT dashboard developed using AWS CDK in TypeScript.
Provide your AWS credentials, for example using the .envrc
the example).
Install the dependencies:
npm ci
npm run build:container
# export the environment variable UDP_INGEST_CONTAINER_TAG as printed
npx cdk deploy
Enable AWS IoT Thing indexing for the lwm2m named shadow and Thing connectivity.
Configure these SSM parameters:
aws ssm put-parameter --name /thingy-rocks-backend/memfault/organizationAuthToken --type String --value <Memfault Organization Auth Token>
aws ssm put-parameter --name /thingy-rocks-backend/memfault/organizationId --type String --value <Memfault Organization ID>
aws ssm put-parameter --name /thingy-rocks-backend/memfault/projectId --type String --value <Memfault Project ID>
receives UDP packages on port 6666
A hosted Zone is created by the deployment.
Create a NS
record in the DNS settings for
(in CloudFlare),
with the
as the name and the list of nameservers from the