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The script to spin up clusters using Cluster API and KubeAid.


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KubeAid Bootstrap Script

The KubeAid Bootstrap Script is used to bootstrap Kubernetes clusters using Cluster API and KubeAid.

Currently it only supports bootstrapping self-managed clusters in AWS.

Official Guides

Developer Guide (AWS edition)

Make sure, you've Docker installed and running in your system.

Run make build-image-dev to build the KubeAid Bootstrap Script container image (development version).

Then run make run-container-dev to run the container.

If you're running MacOS, then in your host machine, make sure you have mapped host.docker.internal to in your /etc/hosts.

Use make exec-container-dev to execute into the container.

Once you're inside the container, use make generate-sample-config-aws-dev to generate a sample config file at ./outputs/kubeaid-bootstrap-script.config.yaml, targetting the AWS cloud provider. Adjust the config file according to your needs.

Export your AWS credentials as environment variables like such :

export AWS_REGION=""

Then run make bootstrap-cluster-dev-aws to bootstrap the cluster!


If the clusterawsadm bootstrap iam create-cloudformation-stack command errors out with this message :

 the IAM CloudFormation Stack create / update failed and it's currently in a `ROLLBACK_COMPLETE` state

then that means maybe there are pre-existing IAM resources with overlapping name. Then first delete them manually from the AWS Console and then retry running the script. Filter the IAM roles and policies in the corresponding region with the keyword : cluster / clusterapi.

If cluster provisioning gets stuck, then debug by :

  • checking logs of ClusterAPI related pod.

  • SSHing into the control-plane node. You can view cloud-init output logs stored at /var/log/cloud-init-output.log.

If you want to delete the provisioned cluster, then execute : make delete-provisioned-cluster-dev-aws.


  • Check Git URL if SSH agent is used.
  • Validation for sshagentauth (should not accept https url).
  • --debug flag to print command execution outputs.
  • Support adding multiple SSH keys via config file.
  • Support using HTTPS for ArgoCD apps.
  • Support enabling Audit Logging.
  • Switch to IAM Role from (temporary) credentials after cluster bootstrap.
  • ETCD metrics enabled.
  • Support scale to / from zero for the node-groups.

    Currently, I have added extra ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding in the KubeAid cluster-autoscaler Helm chart to support this feature. But I have also opened an issue in the kubernetes-sigs/autoscaler repository regarding this : Allow adding extra rules to the Role / ClusterRole template of the Cluster AutoScaler Helm chart.

  • In case of AWS, pick up AWS credentials from ~/.aws/credentials (if present).
  • recover cluster command