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California Design System

The Design System test site

This is the Base Team repository for the upcoming California Design System. We can make this readme professional later. For now, here's what devs need to know.

Grab it

There are currently two ways to grab the latest code from this repository. Take your pick.

We plan to support CDN-based download options in the future.

Install from NPM

From your JavaScript project folder, run the following.

npm install @cagovweb/design-system

For now, the files will be available in node_modules/@cagovweb/design-system/dist.

We'll make this more convenient as we learn more about how people want to consume this code from the NPM package.


All CSS and JavaScript source can be found in their respective src subfolders.


The pages folder is a place to test your work.


The repository currently uses 11ty for page previews. To run it...

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Run npm run start.
  4. Point your browser to the URL that appears in the terminal, probably localhost:8080.

Build the 11ty site

To build the 11ty site files, run npm run site.

Files will be written to the _site folder.

This is useful for uploading to GitHub Pages.

Build standalone bundle files

To build the CSS/JS bundle files, run npm run bundle.

Files will be written to the dist folder.

This is useful for packaging activities, such as GitHub Releases, NPM, and CDN.