- Make sure to have python3.7 installed and placed in the environmental variables for Windows/Mac/Linux
- Run "python date_conversion.py [ARGUMENT 1] [ARGV...]" on a shell or Windows terminal
- In case the command python isn't recognized, try python3.7 instead
- ARGUMENT 1: ICS file (must be within the same directory as date_conversion.py)
- ARGV...: Start Date using the format: year, month, day (e.g. 2020 06 15)
- If the program successfully runs, newCalendar.ics will be created in the same directory with the updated events
- VTimezone events can be parsed, but I could not figure out a way to rewrite the data to a new file. The documentation from iCalendar states that it is possible to add new VCALENDAR components with VEVENT subcomponents. However, it does not provide any documentation or use cases for the Timezone component.