Releases: Open-ET/openet-core
Restructured the interpolation code so that the prep calls (to unscale the images and add the mask and time bands ) are made inside the functions instead of needing to be done ahead of time in the export tools. The export tools in openet-tools have been updated to match this workflow.
Added a flag to the cloud masking to support masking water pixels.
General LST correction updates and fixes. Removed unnecessary reproject and clipping calls.
Fixed bug with LST correction failing when version number in LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID is different between SR and TOA images.
Interpolate "use_joins" parameter is default to True now.
Interpolation bilinear resampling support
Added support for setting the "bilinear" resample option in the interpolation calls.
Added additional Landsat C02 scene masking options
Added additional Landsat filtering using the TOA simpleCloudScore function (cloud_score_flag=True
and cloud_score_pct=100
) as well as filtering using the QA_RADSAT and SR_CLOUD_QA bands.
Other Changes:
- Bumped the minimum supported Python version to 3.8
- Remove Landsat Collection 1 support