Version 1.1.0
###Bug fixes:
- The issue that ‘options’ page becomes blank at some point. The issue likely had to do with the RAM usage as the options page is the largest in size among all pages. This has been addressed by sending program memory strings directly (instead of loading it to RAM and send it).
- Changed the flash profile to 2M (with 1M SPIFFS), as some early versions of OpenGarage has only 2M flash. As a result, flash layout will change and after updating to firmware 1.1.0, the controller will reset to AP mode. So make sure to copy the settings before you update firmware, and you will have to go through WiFi setup steps again after updating.
- Added a couple of more settings to hopefully improve distance sensor readings. One is ‘Distance Reading Interval’, which defines the time between two distance sensor readings. The default is 500ms and can be suitably increased if excessive sensor noise is observed. Specifically, increasing the interval between two readings can help reduce the impact of multiple reflections. The second setting is ‘Sensor Timeout Option’: previously if a sensor timeout event is encountered, it caps the reading to the maximum value (450cm). Now this has been changed to ‘Ignore’ — so if a timeout event is encountered, it doesn’t count into valid readings, again, this is done to hopefully reduce the sensor noise in the case of occasional timeout events.
###New Features:
- Added support for several types of temperature/humidity sensors (AM2320, DHT11, DHT22, DS18B20). All of them can be powered by VCC (3.3V) and GND, and the data pin should go to GPIO5 (G05). AM2320 is a I2C sensor, so it should be connected to SDA (G04) and SCL (G05). Also, some of them may need pull-up resistor (particularly DS18B20).