An Actinia plugin designed to interactively run the FUTURES urban growth model developed at the Center for Geospatil Analytics at North Carolina State Universtiy.
Use docker-compose for installation:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
- If you get an error like:
ERROR: for docker_redis_1 Cannot start service redis: network xxx not found
you can try the following:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
# remove all custom networks not used by a container
docker network prune
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
You can test the plugin and request the /helloworld
endpoint, e.g. with:
curl -u actinia-gdi:actinia-gdi -X GET http://localhost:8088/api/v3/helloworld | jq
curl -u actinia-gdi:actinia-gdi -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:8088/api/v3/helloworld -d '{"name": "test"}' | jq
For a DEV setup you can use the docker/docker-compose.yml:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run --rm --service-ports --entrypoint sh actinia
# install the plugin
(cd /src/actinia-example-plugin && python3 install)
# start actinia-core with your plugin
gunicorn -b -w 1 --access-logfile=- -k gthread actinia_core.main:flask_app
- If you have no
folder in the plugin folder, you need to set theSETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION
before installing the plugin:
Otherwise you will get an error like this
LookupError: setuptools-scm was unable to detect version for '/src/actinia-example-plugin'.
- If you make changes in code and nothing changes you can try to uninstall the plugin:
pip3 uninstall actinia-example-plugin.wsgi -y
rm -rf /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/actinia_example_plugin.wsgi-*.egg
You can run the tests in the actinia test docker:
docker build -f docker/actinia-example-plugin-test/Dockerfile -t actinia-example-plugin-test .
docker run -it actinia-example-plugin-test -i
cd /src/actinia-example-plugin/
# run all tests
make test
# run only unittests
make unittest
# run only integrationtests
make integrationtest
# run only tests which are marked for development with the decorator ''
make devtest
If you want to have your own plugin you can use this repo to create it by
executing the scripts/
If you want the repo in git then you first have to create an empty git repository and then run the script. Then follow the last instructions from the script to upload the initial code to your git repository.
bash actinia-ex2-plugin git
If you only want your own plugin in a folder and not in git you can execute the script like this:
bash actinia-ex2-plugin
The parameter skip_permission_check
(see example in actinia-statistic plugin)
should only be set to True
if you are sure that you really don't want to check the permissions.
The skip of the permission check leads to a skipping of:
- the module check
- the limit of the number of processes
- the limit of the processing time
Not skipped are:
- the limit of the cells
- the mapset/location limitations of the user