This service forwards HTTP requests to IoT devices running the OTF firmware library, enabling them to be accessed over the internet. The service opens a websocket server that devices can connect to, and a webserver that handles HTTP requests. When an HTTP request is received, it will be sent to the appropriate device over the websocket connection and the response generated by the device will be sent as the response to the request.
Prerequisites: Git, Node.js and NPM, MySQL server (if using MySQL authentication plugin)
# Clone the repo and install dependencies
git clone
cd OTF-Request-Proxy
npm install
npm run build
# Make sure you configure the service (see below) before starting it
npm start
You must pick an authentication plugin and configure it through some environment variables specific to each plugin. Additionally, there are some environment variables that can optionally be specified to override default values for global options:
Name | Description | Default |
Specifies which authentication plugin to use (see below). | |
The address that the HTTP and websocket servers should bind to. | |
The port that the HTTP server should listen on. | 3000 |
The port that the websocket server should listen on. | 8080 |
Devices will only be allowed to connect to the server if they provide a valid device key. There are 2 plugins available for validating device keys.
This plugin queries a MySQL database and accepts device keys if a specified table contains a row with a matching value in the device_key
The plugin can be configured through the following environment variables:
Name | Description | Example |
Must be set to MySQLAuthenticationPlugin to use this plugin. |
MySQLAuthenticationPlugin |
The URL of the MySQL server to connect to. | mysql://username:password@localhost:3306/otf |
The table in the database that stores valid device keys. | registered_devices |
This plugin accepts device keys if they're specified in an environment variable. This is the suggested plugin to use if you're self-hosting the service for personal usage since it's the easiest to setup. The plugin can be configured through the following environment variables:
Name | Description | Example |
Must be set to EnvironmentVariableAuthenticationPlugin to use this plugin. |
EnvironmentVariableAuthenticationPlugin |
A comma-separated list of valid device keys. | super_secret_key,0123456789ABCDEF,opendoor |