SpringCommonDemo is a Spring & Netflix OSS Stack based blueprint for further application development. SpringCommonDemo should be the basis for applications that are implemented in a microservice architecture style. The challenge is to configure the technologies homogeneously to get rid of the disadvantages in a microservice architecture.
This blueprint uses the following technologies:
- Docker
- Netflix
- Turbine
- Zuul
- Eureka
- Hystrix
- Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud Config
- Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Thymeleaf
- OAuth2
- Zipkin
- MongoDB
- Kafka
- Zookeeper
It has three small clients that act as a demo application as well.
- Eventclient: Sends events throug Spring Cloud Stream
- Democlient: Uses Spring Thymeleaf as frontend for some CRUD functionalities via mongodb
- Client: This is the overall blueprint client.