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WIP: cache now contains current step Taylor expansions (proof of conc…
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…ept for scalar case), plus minor fixes
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PerezHz committed Dec 20, 2024
1 parent 41b393f commit 3523978
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Showing 3 changed files with 36 additions and 37 deletions.
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions src/integrator/cache.jl
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Expand Up @@ -16,25 +16,40 @@ xaux(c::AbstractVectorCache) = c.xaux

# ScalarCache

struct ScalarCache{TV, XV, PSOL} <: AbstractTaylorIntegrationCache
struct ScalarCache{TV, XV, PSOL, T, X} <: AbstractTaylorIntegrationCache

function init_cache(cachetype::Type{ScalarCache}, dense::Val{D}, t0::T, x::Taylor1{U}, maxsteps::Int) where {D, U, T}
function init_cache(cachetype::Type{ScalarCache}, dense::Val{D}, t0::T, x0::U, maxsteps::Int, order::Int) where {D, U, T}
# Initialize the Taylor1 expansions
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Taylor1( x0, order )
# Initialize cache
return cachetype(
Array{T}(undef, maxsteps + 1),
Array{U}(undef, maxsteps + 1),
init_psol(dense, maxsteps, 1, x))
init_psol(dense, maxsteps, 1, x),

function init_cache(cachetype::Type{ScalarCache}, ::Val{false}, trange::AbstractVector{T}, x::Taylor1{U}, maxsteps::Int) where {U, T}
function init_cache(cachetype::Type{ScalarCache}, ::Val{false}, trange::AbstractVector{T}, x0::U, maxsteps::Int, order::Int) where {U, T}
# Initialize the Taylor1 expansions
t0 = trange[1]
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Taylor1( x0, order )
# Initialize cache
nn = length(trange)
cache = cachetype(
Array{U}(undef, nn),
init_psol(Val(false), maxsteps, 1, x))
init_psol(Val(false), maxsteps, 1, x),
fill!(cache.xv, T(NaN))
return cache
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36 changes: 12 additions & 24 deletions src/integrator/taylorinteg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -51,24 +51,20 @@ end
function taylorinteg(f, x0::U, t0::T, tmax::T, order::Int, abstol::T, params = nothing;
maxsteps::Int=500, parse_eqs::Bool=true, dense::Bool=true) where {T<:Real, U<:Number}

# Initialize the Taylor1 expansions
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Taylor1( x0, order )

# Allocation
cache = init_cache(ScalarCache, Val(dense), t0, x, maxsteps)
cache = init_cache(ScalarCache, Val(dense), t0, x0, maxsteps, order)

# Determine if specialized jetcoeffs! method exists
parse_eqs, rv = _determine_parsing!(parse_eqs, f, t, x, params)
parse_eqs, rv = _determine_parsing!(parse_eqs, f, cache.t, cache.x, params)

return _taylorinteg!(Val(dense), f, t, x, x0, t0, tmax, abstol, rv, cache, params; parse_eqs, maxsteps)
return _taylorinteg!(Val(dense), f, x0, t0, tmax, abstol, rv, cache, params; parse_eqs, maxsteps)

function _taylorinteg!(dense::Val{D}, f, t::Taylor1{T}, x::Taylor1{U},
function _taylorinteg!(dense::Val{D}, f,
x0::U, t0::T, tmax::T, abstol::T, rv::RetAlloc{Taylor1{U}}, cache::ScalarCache, params;
parse_eqs::Bool=true, maxsteps::Int=500) where {T<:Real,U<:Number,D}

@unpack tv, xv, psol = cache
@unpack t, x, tv, xv, psol = cache

# Initial conditions
nsteps = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,10 +106,8 @@ function taylorinteg(f!, q0::Array{U,1}, t0::T, tmax::T, order::Int, abstol::T,
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Array{Taylor1{U}}(undef, dof)
dx = Array{Taylor1{U}}(undef, dof)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(q0)
x[i] = Taylor1( q0[i], order )
dx[i] = Taylor1( zero(q0[i]), order )
x .= Taylor1.( q0, order )
dx .= Taylor1.( zero.(q0), order )

# Allocation
cache = init_cache(VectorCache, Val(dense), t0, x, maxsteps)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,25 +259,19 @@ function taylorinteg(f, x0::U, trange::AbstractVector{T},
@assert (issorted(trange) ||
issorted(reverse(trange))) "`trange` or `reverse(trange)` must be sorted"

# Initialize the Taylor1 expansions
t0 = trange[1]
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Taylor1( x0, order )

# Allocation
nn = length(trange)
cache = init_cache(ScalarCache, Val(false), trange, x, maxsteps)
cache = init_cache(ScalarCache, Val(false), trange, x0, maxsteps, order)

# Determine if specialized jetcoeffs! method exists
parse_eqs, rv = _determine_parsing!(parse_eqs, f, t, x, params)
parse_eqs, rv = _determine_parsing!(parse_eqs, f, cache.t, cache.x, params)

return _taylorinteg!(f, t, x, x0, trange, abstol, rv, cache, params; parse_eqs, maxsteps)
return _taylorinteg!(f, x0, trange, abstol, rv, cache, params; parse_eqs, maxsteps)

function _taylorinteg!(f, t::Taylor1{T}, x::Taylor1{U}, x0::U, trange::AbstractVector{T},
function _taylorinteg!(f, x0::U, trange::AbstractVector{T},
abstol::T, rv::RetAlloc{Taylor1{U}}, cache::ScalarCache, params; parse_eqs::Bool=true, maxsteps::Int=500) where {T<:Real, U<:Number}

@unpack xv = cache
@unpack t, x, xv = cache

# Initial conditions
@inbounds t0, t1, tmax = trange[1], trange[2], trange[end]
Expand Down
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/rootfinding.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -217,10 +217,8 @@ function taylorinteg(f!, g, q0::Array{U,1}, t0::T, tmax::T,
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Array{Taylor1{U}}(undef, dof)
dx = Array{Taylor1{U}}(undef, dof)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(q0)
x[i] = Taylor1( q0[i], order )
dx[i] = Taylor1( zero(q0[i]), order )
x .= Taylor1.( q0, order )
dx .= Taylor1.( zero.(q0), order )

# Allocation
cache = init_cache(VectorCache, Val(dense), t0, x, maxsteps)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,10 +313,8 @@ function taylorinteg(f!, g, q0::Array{U,1}, trange::AbstractVector{T},
t = t0 + Taylor1( T, order )
x = Array{Taylor1{U}}(undef, dof)
dx = Array{Taylor1{U}}(undef, dof)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(q0)
x[i] = Taylor1( q0[i], order )
dx[i] = Taylor1( zero(q0[i]), order )
x .= Taylor1.( q0, order )
dx .= Taylor1.( zero.(q0), order )

# Allocation
cache = init_cache(VectorTRangeCache, Val(false), trange, x, maxsteps)
Expand Down

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