Cloud Analytics Dashboard is a comprehensive web-based application designed to streamline the process of Cloud log data management and Visual Improvement with help of Charts.
Tech Stack: React, Material-UI, React Charts, Nivo, Apex-Charts
Responsibilities: Cloud Analytics UI and User interface for submitting and querying Cloud log data.
Tech Stack: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
Responsibilities: API endpoints for data ingestion and querying. It interacts with the MongoDB database to store and retrieve log data.
MongoDB: Stores log data.
Frontend Application
Role: for better understanding of cloud resources and Cloud Usage.
Charts to understand how usage data at different times. Form for log data submission to the backend. Interface for querying logs with filters. Real-time display of ingested logs. UI elements for full-text search capabilities.
Backend Application
Role: Handles HTTP requests, processes data, and interacts with the database. Technology: Node.js with Express.js and MongoDB(database).
-> Accepts HTTP POST requests with log data.
-> Validates and processes data before saving it to the database.
-> Handles GET requests with various query parameters for filtering logs.
-> Implements full-text search using regular expressions. (for real-time log ingestion).
-> Updates the frontend in real-time when new logs are ingested.
git clone
cd Frontend
npm install
npm run dev
or npm start
cd Backend
npm install
node server.js
known issues or limitations within the system.
More data visual Charts can be added for diffrent data-points
Load Balancing and Caching could have been implemented in backend
Filtering with timestamp could have also ben implemented