I am Prabodh Gyawali, a second year student in the University of Leeds.
I am currently in the stage of learning and tinkering with things whilst occasionally building. π―: Cycling through READING, BUILDING, LEARNING, ... more to one day work in cutting-edge technology.
- I strongly believe that anyone can learn anything they want as long as they have an internet connection and it takes 10000 hours to be an expert in a field.
- Big fan of open-source software
- Understanding hardware is as important as understanding software
Open-source Financial trading bot front and backend interface: FundingRateArbitrage. Site is live: fundingratesniper.com and the code to the front-end is available at GMX-ARB-UI.
>150 members on Telegram channel interested in using the bot
I am back to fixing UI bugs and adding more features and maintaining code with the backend interface
Bunch of projects on Github public and private repos related to what I am learning Will spend free time during weekend ironing out bugs to improve UI/UX and backend code for the website.
- C programming - Intermediate (HTTP Web server from scratch in C)
- Python - Built lots of projects from completing #100DaysofCode Angela Yu's Coding Bootcamp
- Full-Stack Development:
backend = [ASP.NET, CoreFlask]
,frontend = [HTML, CSS, JS, React + TS]
- The Linux Programming Interface and writing Linux Drivers
- System Design
- DevOps: AWS, Docker and Kubernetes
- Data Science and Machine Learning: Data-Science & ML Bootcamp whilst reading books on Statistics and Machine Learning
- x86 Assembly Language for Reverse Engineering and low-level programming
- 3D programming with Three.js, game and rendering engines, parallel processing
- Parallel Processing in CUDA by reading: Programming Massively Parallel Processors
- C++/C algorithms on Leetcode
- Electronics and Robotics: learning ROS2 on RasberryPi, ECE470
###β‘ Fun facts:
- I am quite good at chess 2200 Rapid Rating on Chess.com
- I do CTFs on tryhackme and picoCTFs occasionally
- Really interested in all fields Engineering