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Multi-Cycle Pipelined RISC-V Based Processor

Team: 10

Version 2.0
Last Updated: 13-September-2024

Table of Contents

  1. Design Overview
  2. Instruction Set
  3. Microarchitecture
  4. RTL Hierarchy
  5. Datapath for Different Instructions
  6. Control Unit Truth Tables
  7. ALU Operations
  8. Simulation Waveforms

Design Overview

Introduction to RISC-V Processor

The RISC-V (RV32I) instruction set uses 32-bit instructions format. The architecture has 32 general-purpose registers, where register 0 is always set to zero, and a 32-bit program counter (PC) increments word-aligned instructions. The processor supports six instruction formats.

Project Overview

This project involves the design and simulation of a 4-stage pipelined RISC-V processor. The stages are:

  • Fetch
  • Decode
  • Execute
  • Write Back

Since all the instructions in the design specification do not access data memory the memory access stage is not required

The processor supports ALU operations like ADD, SUB, AND, OR, XOR, NOP,ADDI. The final design is tested through a testbench.

Instruction Set

ALU Instructions

Instruction Func7 Func3 RS1 RS2 RD Opcode
ADD 0000000 000 R0-R32 R0-R32 R0-R32 0110011
SUB 0100000 000 R0-R32 R0-R32 R0-R32 0110011
AND 0000000 110 R0-R32 R0-R32 R0-R32 0110011
OR 0000000 111 R0-R32 R0-R32 R0-R32 0110011
XOR 0000000 100 R0-R32 R0-R32 R0-R32 0110011

ADDI Instruction

Field Value
Opcode 1110011
Func7 0000000
Immediate Value 5-bit Value
RD R0-R32

HALT Instruction

Field Value
Opcode 1111111
Func7 0000000
Status PC Stops



Components of Pipelined RISC-V Processor

  1. Program Counter (PC): Holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
  2. Program Memory: Stores the instructions for execution.
  3. Register File: Contains 32 registers (32-bit each) used for storing operands and operation results.
  4. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): Handles arithmetic and logical operations.
  5. Control Unit: Manages control signals and determines the DataPath configuration.

RTL Hierarchy

The processor is divided into three stages:

  • Instr_fetch: Retrieves the next instruction from memory.
  • Instr_decode: Decodes the instruction.
  • Instr_execution: Executes the decoded instruction.

Each stage has a dedicated clock, with registers in between the stages to store intermediate results for the pipeline.

Datapath for Different Instructions

  1. ALU Instructions: Handles operations like ADD, SUB, AND, OR, and XOR.
  2. ADDI Instruction: Adds an immediate value to a register.
  3. Halt Instruction: Stops the program counter and halts CPU execution.

Control Unit Truth Tables

Main Control Unit

7'b0110011 0 1 1
7'b1110011 1 1 1
Default 0 0 0

ALU Control Unit

Func7 Func3 ALU Operation
0000000 000 ADD
0100000 000 SUB
0000000 110 AND
0000000 111 OR
0000000 100 XOR

ALU Operations

ALU Operation Description
3’d0 Addition
3’d1 Subtraction
3’d2 Bitwise AND
3’d3 Bitwise OR
3’d4 Bitwise XOR

Simulation Waveforms

The following are waveforms from the simulated ALU operations:

  1. ADD Immediate Operation
    OPERATION: R2 = R0 + 6
    INSTRUCTION FORMAT: 32'b0000000_00110_00000_000_00010_1110011
    ADD Immediate

  2. NOP Operation
    NOP Operation

  3. ADD Operation
    OPERATION: R6 = R3 + R2
    INSTRUCTION FORMAT: 32'b0000000_00010_00011_000_00110_0110011
    ADD Operation

  4. SUB Operation
    OPERATION: R7 = R3 - R2
    INSTRUCTION FORMAT: 32'b0100000_00010_00011_000_00111_0110011
    SUB Operation

  5. AND Operation
    OPERATION: R8 = R3 & R2
    INSTRUCTION FORMAT: 32'b0000000_00010_00011_110_01000_0110011
    AND Operation

  6. OR Operation
    OPERATION: R9 = R3 | R2
    INSTRUCTION FORMAT: 32'b0000000_00010_00011_111_01001_0110011
    OR Operation

  7. XOR Operation
    OPERATION: R10 = R3 ^ R2
    INSTRUCTION FORMAT: 32'b0000000_00010_00011_100_01010_0110011
    XOR Operation

  8. Halt Operation
    OPERATION: Halt the CPU
    Program memory: 32'b0000000_00010_00011_100_01010_1111111
    Halt Operation


This multi-cycle pipelined RISC-V processor design successfully simulates various ALU and control instructions, allowing for efficient instruction execution through pipelining. Future work may include optimization and addition of more complex instructions.








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