Use Testcontainers for integration testing with Spring Data JPA and the PostgreSQL database. Detailed overview can be found on the blog
- Package the application
$ ./mvnw clean package
To skip the tests use:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Docker will pull the specified image and can be seen in Test logs.
2020-05-12 12:00:32.701 INFO 470540 --- [ main] org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory : Checking the system...
2020-05-12 12:00:32.702 INFO 470540 --- [ main] org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory : ✔︎ Docker server version should be at least 1.6.0
2020-05-12 12:00:32.828 INFO 470540 --- [ main] org.testcontainers.DockerClientFactory : ✔︎ Docker environment should have more than 2GB free disk space
2020-05-12 12:00:32.874 INFO 470540 --- [ main] 🐳 [postgres:11.1] : Creating container for image: postgres:11.1
2020-05-12 12:00:33.655 INFO 470540 --- [ main] o.t.utility.RegistryAuthLocator : Credential helper/store (docker-credential-desktop) does not have credentials for
2020-05-12 12:00:34.581 INFO 470540 --- [ main] 🐳 [postgres:11.1] : Starting container with ID: a77f81e6b7278138b8829bb907a2eed66ed9c03a4dcd905f3bcf51a6d841300a
2020-05-12 12:00:36.346 INFO 470540 --- [ main] 🐳 [postgres:11.1] : Container postgres:11.1 is starting: a77f81e6b7278138b8829bb907a2eed66ed9c03a4dcd905f3bcf51a6d841300a
2020-05-12 12:00:42.060 INFO 470540 --- [ main] 🐳 [postgres:11.1] : Container postgres:11.1 started in PT15.1360412S
2020-05-12 12:00:42.198 INFO 470540 --- [ main] org.testcontainers.ext.ScriptUtils : Executing database script from initscript.sql