Please find link to data visualization below. Data is currently being tracked every 30 minutes.
This program can only be used if the computer is authenticated to a google cloud project - the code is designed to be ran via a cloud function.
Clone the repository
Install library dependences
npm install
Run index.js
node index.js
- A cloud function is created to run code
- A cloud scheduler job is created to call the cloud function every 30 minutes
- The cloud function then scrapes lot data from LGA website and imports it into BigQuery
- The BigQuery dataset is loaded into Data Studio for data visualization - graphs are updated every 15 minutes
Source code is added to a cloud function. A service account is then added as a cloud function admin so that Cloud Scheduler can call the cloud function.
A job is created to run the google cloud function every 30 minutes.
A dataset is created within BigQuery to hold terminal lot capacity data.
Data from BigQuery table is then displayed using Data Studio.