Random-Fetcher helps to fetch random data based on url . Data can be infomat of JSON/XML/TEXT
[ { "name": "dss zju" }, { "name": "beda hrk" }, { "name": "laeqfd qzy" }, { "name": "ajidh jljx" } ]
type could be xml/json/text
repeat for fixed value is like repeat=20
20 item will be written and for variable is like repeat=20_40
repeat would be in between 20 to 40
variable is for value name in json/xml like variable=name
and name=s2mn3mx6
define type of value s for string 2 for 2 string mn for minimum number of character in string mx for maximum number of character
s for string
n for number
i for object
a for array
multiple variable variable=id_post&id=ns&post=s10_25mn3mx6
object of two values will be return id which is number(n) and will be in sequence(s) other one is post of type string(s) contain 10 to 25 words (10_25) word contain minimum 3 character or maximum 6 (mn3mx6)
contain three variable id , number , serise . id is a simple number(n).number is a number in unique(nu) . serise is a number contain number in serise
contain two variable name and post of type string . name contain 2 words minimun 4 character and maximum 6 character. post contain 20 to 30 words minimum 4 character and maximum 6 character
id is of type number comments is of type object contain comment as a single variable of type string contain 10 to 30 words
contain two variable names and number of type array. names contain array of string contain 5 values (a5) of type string(s2mn4mx6) number contain array values in between 5 to 9 (a5_9) of type number(n)