Releases: RalphHightower/blog
Releases · RalphHightower/blog
Freeze before upgrading to Jekyll 4.4.0
What's Changed
- improve: add pagination by @RalphHightower in #554
- fix: try edge case from by @RalphHightower in #555
- fix: drop / from path of blog by @RalphHightower in #556
- fix: fix GitHub table by @RalphHightower in #557
- fix: _config.yml(remove blog from paginator) by @RalphHightower in #558
- docs: index.html by @RalphHightower in #560
- fix: dependabot.yml(didn’t have write permissions) by @RalphHightower in #561
- fix: navigation.yml(pagination?) by @RalphHightower in #562
- fix: fix dates by @RalphHightower in #564
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #565
- revert: undo pagination configuration by @RalphHightower in #566
- revert: undo pagination configuration(hopefully disable) by @RalphHightower in #568
- revert: undo pagination configuration(renaming didn't work) by @RalphHightower in #569
- blog: 2024-12-23 blogs by @RalphHightower in #570
- blog: 2024-12-24 blogs by @RalphHightower in #571
- 2024-12-25 blogs by @RalphHightower in #572
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #573
- blog: 2024-12-25 blog by @RalphHightower in #574
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #575
- info npm: Bump markdownlint-cli2 from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #576
- blog: 2024-12-26 by @RalphHightower in #577
- fix: release-please.yml(permissions) by @RalphHightower in #578
- docs: updates) by @RalphHightower in #579
- blog: 2024-12-27 by @RalphHightower in #580
- improve: release-please.yml(limit scope of permissions) by @RalphHightower in #581
- blog: 2024-12-28 blogs by @RalphHightower in #582
- improve: jekyll.yml(update Ruby version, setup-ruby) by @RalphHightower in #584
- fix: codeql.yml(from RalphHightower/blog) by @RalphHightower in #583
- docs: README(added GitHub stats) by @RalphHightower in #585
- [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions by @step-security-bot in #586
- docs: OSSF badge from table) by @RalphHightower in #587
- blog: 2024-12-29 blog, keywords update by @RalphHightower in #588
- fix: 2024-12-29-GoodbyeDemocracyTrumperLedConstitunalConvention(front matter) by @RalphHightower in #589
- improve: More Pay to Play corporate bribes by @RalphHightower in #590
- blog: 2024-12-30 blog by @RalphHightower in #591
- docs: schedule reminder to update copyright year by @RalphHightower in #592
- improve: NewYearUpdateCopyright.yml(default: read-all) by @RalphHightower in #593
- test: NewYearUpdateCopyright.yml(add dispatch for debugging create issue) by @RalphHightower in #595
- docs: NewYearUpdateCopyright.yml(extended description) by @RalphHightower in #597
- improve: dependabot.yml(experimental) by @RalphHightower in #599
- revert: downgrade Ruby from 3.4.1 to 3.3.6 by @RalphHightower in #600
- fix: dependabot.yml(Copilot said just Gemfile & lock are needed) by @RalphHightower in #601
- blog: 2024-12-31 by @RalphHightower in #602
- fix: release-please.yml by @RalphHightower in #603
- fix: action by @RalphHightower in #604
- fix: let step-security Harden it by @RalphHightower in #605
- improve: version updated by @RalphHightower in #606
- [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions by @step-security-bot in #607
- improve: limit top level access by @RalphHightower in #608
- blog: 2025-01-01 blog by @RalphHightower in #610
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #611
- IS#612: Fixed table(Where I can be found, not GitHub), ++ by @RalphHightower in #613
- improve: jekyll.yml(step-security suggestion) by @RalphHightower in #614
- blog: 2025-01-02 blog, step-security suggestion by @RalphHightower in #616
- blog: 2025-01-02 NBC Bews: New Orleans Strong by @RalphHightower in #617
- fix: 2025-01-02-NewOrleansStrong(start time experiment) by @RalphHightower in #618
- fix: 2025-01-02-NewOrleansStrong(got the technique) by @RalphHightower in #620
- fix: 2025-01-02-NewOrleansStrong(start time) by @RalphHightower in #619
- fix: don't know what happened. A merge got merged into a merge by @RalphHightower in #622
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #623
- fix: fix embed start time by @RalphHightower in #624
- fix: front matter(title) by @RalphHightower in #625
- blog: 2025-01-03 blogs by @RalphHightower in #626
- blog: 2025-01-04 blogs by @RalphHightower in #627
- Add files via upload by @RalphHightower in #628
- fix: forgot the timestamp by @RalphHightower in #629
- improve: demagog: 1st is bold for emphasis, 2nd is struck through as N/A (Not Applicable) by @RalphHightower in #630
- blog: 2025-01-05 blog by @RalphHightower in #631
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #632
- fix: front matter(excerpt: grammar) by @RalphHightower in #633
- info npm: Bump semantic-release from 24.2.0 to 24.2.1 by @dependabot in #634
- info npm: Bump @semantic-release/release-notes-generator from 14.0.2 to 14.0.3 by @dependabot in #635
- blog: 2025-01-06, add links to others by @RalphHightower in #636
- improve: added excerpt by @RalphHightower in #637
- improve: added excerpt by @RalphHightower in #638
- blog: 2025-01-08 blog by @RalphHightower in #639
- blog: 2025-01-09 blogs by @RalphHightower in #640
- improve: step-security recommendations by @RalphHightower in #641
- fix: revert to read-all permissions by @RalphHightower in #642
- blog: 2025-01-10 blogs by @RalphHightower in #643
- improve: step-security version update by @RalphHightower in #644
- improve: npm update by @RalphHightower in #645
- info: github-actions commit-message by @RalphHightower in #646
- improve: version updates by @RalphHightower in #647
- improve: [email protected] fixes vulnerability by @RalphHightower in #648
- info: indentation by @RalphHightower in
Freeze blogs before turning on pagination
Saving current state of blog.
The following files, at least, will be updated for pagination.
- /
- _config.yml
- Gemfile
What's Changed
- fix: PR#427 fix path for DEC( by @RalphHightower in #428
- revert: by @RalphHightower in #430
- blog: 2024-12-03 by @RalphHightower in #431
- fix: spelling by @RalphHightower in #432
- blog: 2024-12-04 by @RalphHightower in #433
- improve: reorder tags by @RalphHightower in #434
- improve: 2024-12-04-MuskDoxxingDangerousTactic(add H2) by @RalphHightower in #435
- improve: USC's Band Videographer by @RalphHightower in #437
- Bump npm from 10.9.1 to 10.9.2 by @dependabot in #436
- blog: 2024-12-05 blog by @RalphHightower in #438
- blog: 2024-12-06 blog by @RalphHightower in #439
- blog: 2024-12-07 blog by @RalphHightower in #440
- blog: 2024-12-08 blogs by @RalphHightower in #441
- Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.202.0 to 1.203.0 by @dependabot in #442
- Bump github/codeql-action from 3.27.5 to 3.27.6 by @dependabot in #443
- Bump markdownlint-cli2 from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 by @dependabot in #444
- improve: standardize workflows by @RalphHightower in #445
- improve: standardize workflows by @RalphHightower in #446
- improve: npm stuff by @RalphHightower in #448
- improve: Update codeql.yml to v2.20.0 by @RalphHightower in #449
- fix: Is @RalphHightower making npm blow up? by @RalphHightower in #450
- fix: Update package.json(experimental) by @RalphHightower in #451
- fix: Update package.json(experimental) by @RalphHightower in #452
- blog: 2024-12-09 blog by @RalphHightower in #453
- fix: package.json(missing comma) by @RalphHightower in #454
- revert: Update codeql.yml(back to dependabot update) by @RalphHightower in #456
- revert: back to what worked by @RalphHightower in #458
- blog: 2024-12-10 by @RalphHightower in #460
- important: dependabot.yml(npm, Ruby, github-actions) by @RalphHightower in #461
- [StepSecurity] Apply security best practices by @step-security-bot in #463
- fix: release.yml(NPM_TOKEN) by @RalphHightower in #464
- fix: release.yml(NPM_AUTOMATION_TOKEN) by @RalphHightower in #465
- docs: semantic-release configuration by @RalphHightower in #467
- fix: PR#467: Add missing comma to release by @RalphHightower in #470
- blogPR#472: 2024-12-11 blogs by @RalphHightower in #472
- fix: 2024-12-11-TrumpMerkel45(front matter: title) by @RalphHightower in #475
- fix: README(CR/LF) by @RalphHightower in #477
- fix table) by @RalphHightower in #478
- fix: release-please.yml(from one that works) by @RalphHightower in #479
- fix: release-please.yml(duplicate name) by @RalphHightower in #480
- docs: multiple files by @RalphHightower in #481
- fix: release-please.yml(googleapis/[email protected]) by @RalphHightower in #482
- [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions by @step-security-bot in #483
- info: Update footer.html(anti-spam message) by @RalphHightower in #484
- info: document files by @RalphHightower in #485
- improve: Documentation for creating, maintenence by @RalphHightower in #486
- fix: navigation.yml by @RalphHightower in #487
- blog: 2024-12-13 blogs by @RalphHightower in #488
- docs: Documentation of software, workflows, Ruby Gems by @RalphHightower in #489
- improve: shorten title by @RalphHightower in #490
- improve: add Jekyll, minima, and GitHub by @RalphHightower in #491
- improve: BuildCreateEditMaintenance(H2 change) by @RalphHightower in #492
- blog: 2024-12-14 blogs, tags++, standardize tags by @RalphHightower in #493
- improve: .release-please-manifest.json(per googleapis/releas… by @RalphHightower in #497
- improve: navigation.yml(see if order makes difference) by @RalphHightower in #494
- improve: CODEOWNERS by @RalphHightower in #498
- improve: .release-please-manifest.json by @RalphHightower in #496
- improve: sort GitHub actions by @RalphHightower in #499
- improve: footer.html(extended description) by @RalphHightower in #500
- improve: footer.html(Moved OSSF badge,fixed anti-spam) by @RalphHightower in #501
- fix: footer.html(anti-spam) by @RalphHightower in #502
- improve: footer.html(moved OSSF badge) by @RalphHightower in #503
- improve: BuildCreateEditMaintenance(Points of Contact) by @RalphHightower in #504
- fix: footnotes, CR/LF by @RalphHightower in #507
- improve: minor edits by @RalphHightower in #510
- fix: front matter (titles, timestamps,categories, tags) by @RalphHightower in #513
- improve: more bad attributes by @RalphHightower in #509
- fix: PR#509: fix enclosures for by @RalphHightower in #515
- blog: 2024-12-15 by @RalphHightower in #516
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #517
- fix: README by @RalphHightower in #512
- fixREADME(website table, Windows CR/LF conversion <oh, joy>) by @RalphHightower in #519
- improve: setup-ruby v1.204.0 by @RalphHightower in #520
- [StepSecurity] ci: Harden GitHub Actions by @step-security-bot in #521
- info: README(added stats, OSSF badge) by @RalphHightower in #522
- improve: added gmail +customization, blogs++ by @RalphHightower in #523
- improve: stats & CR/LF conversion: oh joy!!! by @RalphHightower in #526
- fix: README(right OSSF ID) by @RalphHightower in #527
- improve: README(updated Points of Contact) by @RalphHightower in #528
- fix: package.json(remove @ from name) by @RalphHightower in #529
- fix: CODEOWNERS(comment out _plugins) by @RalphHightower in #530
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #531
- fix: party (R-[A-W][A-Y]) > (R-[A-W][A-Y]) by @RalphHightower in #532
- fix: front matter by @RalphHightower in #533
- fix: package.json by @RalphHightower in
– Release before directory reorganization
- _posts/
- 2024/
- 08/
- 09/
- 10/
- 11/
- 12/
- 2024/
Will see if that gets rid of directory clutter in _posts.
What's Changed
- setup: Create [Gemfile, _config.yml](bare system) by @RalphHightower in #1
- info: Create jekyll.yml by @RalphHightower in #2
- setup: _config.yml(jekyll/minima v2.5.2) by @RalphHightower in #3
- info: Update _config.yml(repository, url) by @RalphHightower in #5
- info: PR#5 – Update _config.yml(no plugins) by @RalphHightower in #7
- info: Update [_config.yml | Gemfile](add everything) by @RalphHightower in #8
- info: Update Gemfile(turned off a few items) by @RalphHightower in #9
- setup: README, config file changes by @RalphHightower in #10
- fix: PR#10 – _config.yml(taking a SWAG at the problem) by @RalphHightower in #12
- info: PR#12 – Update jekyll.yml(add trace) by @RalphHightower in #14
- fix: PR#14 – Update Gemfile(jekyll-avatar) by @RalphHightower in #16
- docs: SWAG(try layouts) by @RalphHightower in #17
- docs: SWAG(will this get the listing of blog posts?) by @RalphHightower in #18
- info: Update _config.yml(rename blog) by @RalphHightower in #19
- fix: PR#19 – Update _config.yml(fix show_excerpts) by @RalphHightower in #23
- fix: fix filename by @RalphHightower in #24
- cleanup: file not need after setting up blog. by @RalphHightower in #25
- improve: workflows by @RalphHightower in #26
- blog – PR#26 – left/right quotes don't pair w/ straight quotes by @RalphHightower in #28
- fix: Update grammatical errors) by @RalphHightower in #29
- feat: Updated with Categories, Tags by @RalphHightower in #30
- feat: add OpenAI intelligence by @RalphHightower in #31
- fix: PR#31 – properly close OPEN_AI_KEY secret by @RalphHightower in #33
- blog: 2024-09-12-DonaldTrumpFuckingIdiot(excerpt: '') by @RalphHightower in #34
- blog: updated excerpts by @RalphHightower in #35
- blog: blog posts by @RalphHightower in #36
- blog: more blogs by @RalphHightower in #37
- blog: FrontMatter, footnote formatting by @RalphHightower in #38
- cleanup: (extended description) by @RalphHightower in #39
- fix: Update post.html(fix ai_related_posts?) by @RalphHightower in #40
- blog: Criminal Charges Against Trump by @RalphHightower in #41
- fix: by @RalphHightower in #42
- blog: Jack Smith's filing by @RalphHightower in #43
- fix: 2024-10-06-HereComesDaJudge(extended description) by @RalphHightower in #44
- blog: Hillbilly Elegy by @RalphHightower in #45
- blog: Update 2024-10-07-HillbillyElegy(extended description) by @RalphHightower in #46
- blog: Pig Butchering on Truth Social by @RalphHightower in #47
- fix: PR#47 – 2024-10-07-PigButcheringOnTruthSocial(format date/time) by @RalphHightower in #49
- fix: Update 2024-10-06-HereComesDaJudge(fix quote) by @RalphHightower in #50
- f8x: fix quote by @RalphHightower in #53
- fix: 2024-10-06-HereComesDaJudge(extended description) by @RalphHightower in #52
- blog: The Check is in the Mail by @RalphHightower in #54
- fix: README, 2024-10-08 blog title by @RalphHightower in #55
- blog: added categories and tags. by @RalphHightower in #56
- fix: PR#56 – fixed date, tag by @RalphHightower in #58
- cleanup: one of the 'Dementia-ing' is correct by @RalphHightower in #59
- fix: fix typo by @RalphHightower in #60
- fix: by @RalphHightower in #61
- fix: 2024-10-07-PigButcheringOnTruthSocial(run on words) by @RalphHightower in #62
- info: allow
for use in footnotes, tables by @RalphHightower in #64 - setup: upgrade code_of_conduct to 2.1 by @RalphHightower in #63
- info: .markdownlint.yml by @RalphHightower in #67
- fix: markdownlint-ing by @RalphHightower in #66
- fix: Update by @RalphHightower in #68
- fix: markdownlint-ing by @RalphHightower in #69
- blog: blog posts by @RalphHightower in #70
- fix: Update title) by @RalphHightower in #71
- blog: 2024-10-07-NationalDebt(date, excerpt) by @RalphHightower in #72
- fix: 2024-10-07-NationalDebt(byline, date onn new line) by @RalphHightower in #73
- fix: by @RalphHightower in #74
- info: Update readme-checker.yml( added _posts) by @RalphHightower in #75
- fix: Update readme-checker.yml(fixed extension) by @RalphHightower in #76
- blog: by @RalphHightower in #77
- fix: by @RalphHightower in #78
- blog: 2024-10-09 posts by @RalphHightower in #80
- fix: 2024-10-09-January6Subversion(fix excerpt) by @RalphHightower in #82
- fix: missing title by @RalphHightower in #83
- feat: Create dependabot.yml by @RalphHightower in #84
- Bump DavidAnson/markdownlint-cli2-action from 11 to 17 by @dependabot in #89
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 by @dependabot in #88
- Bump github/codeql-action from 3.26.0 to 3.26.12 by @dependabot in #87
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.6 to 4.4.3 by @dependabot in #85
- Bump amannn/action-semantic-pull-request from 5.2.0 to 5.5.3 by @dependabot in #86
- blog: Dorian Cone Of Uncertainty Sharpiegate by @RalphHightower in #90
- blog: Sharpiegate Trump Alters Dorian Cone of Uncertainty by @RalphHightower in #91
- blog: 2024-10-10-SharpiePresidentDorianConeOfUncertainty(inline image) by @RalphHightower in #92
- fix: 2024-10-10-SharpiePresidentDorianConeOfUncertainty.(full path?) by @RalphHightower in #93
- blog: 2024-10-10 2019 Dorian Revisited by @RalphHightower in #94
- fix: 2024-10-10-SharpiegateTrumpAddedDickheadConeUncertainyDorian by @RalphHightower in #95
- blog: added #SharpiePresident to title by @RalphHightower in #96
- blog: added MTG statement to body. by @RalphHightower in #97
- [blog](b...