Repository of Obsidian theme(s), snippets and scripts I personally use, in case anyone finds them useful.
I try to minimize my use of plugins, as I don't want to be dependent on something that might not be updated with new versions of obsidian. I do rely on Obsidian Templater for my templates.
Most of the templates are something I've found elsewhere and modified to my purposes. If I have a direct source, I try to mention it in the comments in the file. Especially for templater I'm still learning and often need help for the more complicated templates.
Anything I add here works, but I don't guarantee it works with all plugins and configurations. Mainly I'm creating this repository, because similar ones by others have been extremely useful to me. I will (hopefully) write more notes/documentation later.
Note: some of the snippets are actually included in the theme, but I've made them snippets to make sure I have a way to use these preferences whether I use my personal theme or not.