This is an example project, intended to demonstrate how an app developer might integrate with an Internet Identity.
npx azle staking cd .azle/staking && /Users/nezort11/.config/azle/rust/1.68.2/bin/cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --manifest-path canister/Cargo.toml --release
To get started, start a local dfx development environment in this directory with the following steps:
dfx start --background --clean
rm -rf ./.dfx ./.azle ./src/staking/index.did ./src/declarations ./src/app/dist ./node_modules
npm install -f
# init local internet identity canister
dfx deps pull
dfx deps init --argument '(null)' internet-identity
dfx deps deploy
dfx deploy --argument="(\"\", \"Big Time\", \"BIGTIME\", 6, 10000000000000000, principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal --identity=default)\", 0)" token
dfx deploy # internally calls `npm run build` and `npm run prebuild` for app canister
# dfx deploy staking && dfx generate staking # generate declarations/staking/staking.did
dfx deploy staking # > dfx generate staking (doesn't generate did file for staking = but generates it in declarations/ folder)
dfx canister uninstall-code token
dfx canister uninstall-code staking # => delete (delete code + state)
dfx canister status token
dfx canister status staking
dfx canister delete token
dfx canister delete staking
dfx canister uninstall-code --all
# init whoami canister
dfx deploy
dfx deploy staking # staking - not working because .env
dfx ledger account-id
npm run start
dfx ledger account-id # ?
dfx identity get-principal --identity=rnbtest
dfx identity get-principal --identity=default
dfx canister call token balanceOf "principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal --identity=rnbtest)\""
dfx canister call token balanceOf "principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal --identity=default)\""
dfx canister call token balanceOf "principal \"$(dfx canister id staking)\""
# id ≠ canister id
dfx canister id internet-identity
dfx canister id whoami
dfx canister id staking
dfx canister id app
dfx canister id __Candid_UI
dfx canister call --identity=default token transfer "(principal \"$(dfx identity get-principal --identity=rnbtest)\", 1_000_000_000_000_000)"
dfx canister call --identity=default token approve '(principal "asrmz-lmaaa-aaaaa-qaaeq-cai", 0_500_000_000_000_000)'
dfx canister call --identity=rnbtest token transfer "(principal \"$(dfx canister id staking)\", 0_200_000_000_000_000)"
dfx canister call --identity=rnbtest staking deposit '0_100_000_000_000_000'
dfx canister call --identity=rnbtest token claim
open "$(dfx info replica-port)" # replica
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)" # ledger webserver
# candid ui
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id __Candid_UI)&id=$(dfx canister id internet-identity)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id __Candid_UI)&id=$(dfx canister id __Candid_UI)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id __Candid_UI)&id=$(dfx canister id token)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id __Candid_UI)&id=$(dfx canister id staking)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id __Candid_UI)&id=$(dfx canister id app)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id internet-identity)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id app)"
open "$(dfx info webserver-port)/?canisterId=$(dfx canister id staking)"
Test identity recovery phrase:
10000 shadow library write clap permit vacant beef marble never labor wolf response fury there empower dash wing few film frost verify trip chat average
Once deployed, start the development server with npm start
You can now access the app at
To pull Internet Identity into your own project, you'll need to do the following:
- Add Internet Identity to your
"internet-identity" : {
"type": "pull",
"id": "rdmx6-jaaaa-aaaaa-aaadq-cai"
- Run the following commands to install the dependencies:
dfx deps pull
dfx deps init --argument '(null)' internet-identity
dfx deps deploy