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[Preprint] Official Implementation of SVRDA: A Web-based Dataset Annotation Tool for Slice-to-Volume Registration


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SVRDA: A Web-based Dataset Annotation Tool for Slice-to-Volume Registration

SVRDA: A Web-based Dataset Annotation Tool for Slice-to-Volume Registration
Weixun Luo, Alexandre Triay Bagur, Paul Aljabar, George Ralli, Sir Michael Brady

Background and Objective: The lack of benchmark datasets has impeded the advancement of slice-to-volume registration algorithms. Such datasets are difficult to annotate primarily due to the dimensional difference within data and the dearth of task-specific software. We seek to develop a user-friendly tool to streamline dataset annotation for slice-to-volume registration.

Methods: The proposed tool namely SVRDA is an installation-free web application for platform-independent collaborative dataset annotation. It enables efficient transformation manipulation via keyboard shortcuts and smooth case transitions with auto-saving. SVRDA also supports configuration- based data loading and adheres to the separation of concerns, offering great flexibility and extensibility for future research. Various supplementary features have been implemented to facilitate slice-to-volume registration.

Results: We validated the effectiveness of SVRDA by indirectly evaluating the post-registration segmentation quality on the UK Biobank data, observing in a dramatic overall improvement (24.02% in the Dice Similarity Coefficient and 48.93% in the 95th percentile Hausdorff distance respectively) supported by highly statistically significant evidence ($p < 0.001$). Also, we showcased the clinical usage of SVRDA by integrating it into test-retest T1 quantification on in-house magnetic resonance acquisitions, leading to more consistent results after registration.

Conclusions: SVRDA can facilitate collaborative annotation of benchmark datasets while being potentially applicable to other pipelines incorporating slice-to-volume registration.


Get Started

Dataset and Configuration

  • Please prepare a dataset with the following structure:
    |-- dataset
        |-- case_1
        |   |-- <<body_sub_directory_name>>
        |   |   |-- *<<body_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<body_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        |   |-- <<organ_sub_directory_name>>
        |   |   |-- *<<organ_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<organ_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        |   |-- <<slice_sub_directory_name>>
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        |   |-- <<slice_mask_sub_directory_name>>  # Optional
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_mask_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_mask_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        `-- case_2
        |   |-- <<body_sub_directory_name>>
        |   |   |-- *<<body_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<body_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        |   |-- <<organ_sub_directory_name>>
        |   |   |-- *<<organ_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<organ_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        |   |-- <<slice_sub_directory_name>>
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- ...
        |   |-- <<slice_mask_sub_directory_name>>  # Optional
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_mask_keyword_1>>*.nii.gz
        |   |   |-- *<<slice_mask_keyword_2>>*.nii.gz
            `-- |-- ...
  • Please modify the provided configuration template to fit your dataset.
    • For example, if the target dataset looks like the following and is located at /home/sample_dataset:
      |-- sample_dataset
          |-- case_1
          |   |-- body
          |   |   |-- body-1.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- body-2.nii.gz
          |   |-- organ
          |   |   |-- organ-1.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- organ-2.nii.gz
          |   |-- slice
          |   |   |-- slice-a.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- slice-b.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- slice-c.nii.gz
          |-- case_2
          |   |-- body
          |   |   |-- body-1.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- body-2.nii.gz
          |   |-- organ
          |   |   |-- organ-1.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- organ-2.nii.gz
          |   |-- slice
          |   |   |-- slice-a.nii.gz
          |   |   |-- slice-b.nii.gz
              `-- |-- slice-c.nii.gz
    • Then, the corresponding configuration file could be:
          "dataset_directory_path": "/home/dataset/sample_dataset",  # path to the dataset root
                                                                     # directory
          "directory_name": {
              "body": "body"      # name of the directory that contains 3D volumes
              "organ": "organ",   # name of the directory that contains 3D segmentation labels
              "organ_resampled": "organ_resampled",  # name of the directory that 2D resampled
                                                     # segmentation labels are to be saved
              "slice": "slice",   # name of the directory that contains 2D slices
              "slice_mask": "null"    # name of the directory that contains binary masks defining
                                      # the region of interest for corresponding 2D slices
                                      # (optional).
          "file_name": {
              "transformation": "transformation"   # name of the file that contains transformation
                                                   # parameters for all 2D slices in a case
          "pattern": {
              "body": "*-1*",     # regex that matches the required 3D volume (e.g., body-1.nii.gz)
              "organ": "*-2*",    # regex that matches the required 3D segmentation label
                                  # (e.g., organ-2.nii.gz)
              "slice": "slice-*", # regex that matches the required 2D slices
                                  # (e.g., slice-a/b/c.nii.gz)
              "slice_mask": "null"   # regex that matches the required binary masks defining the
                                     # region of interest for corresponding 2D slices (e.g., null)
          "tag": {
              "organ_resampled": "-resampled"   # tag used to synthesize file names for 2D
                                                # resampled segmentation labels


  • Please use Anaconda/Miniconda to set up the required environment using the provided environment setup files.
    # 1. Go to the repository root directory.
    cd /repository_root_directory
    # 2. Choose a compatible setup file for your CPU.
    conda env create -f assets/environment/environment_linux_x86_64.yml
    conda env create -f assets/environment/environment_macOS_arm64.yml
    conda env create -f assets/environment/environment_macOS_intel_x86_64.yml
    # 3. Activate the environment.
    conda activate SVRDA
  • Once the environment is activated, please manually replace the dash_vtk package with this version to enable proper coloring for categorical 3D segmentation labels.
    # For users with Anaconda installed at $HOME:
    cp -r assets/dash_vtk $HOME/anaconda3/envs/SVRDA/lib/python3.10/site-packages
    # For users with Miniconda installed at $HOME:
    cp -r assets/dash_vtk $HOME/miniconda3/envs/SVRDA/lib/python3.10/site-packages
    • If Anaconda/Miniconda is not installed at $HOME, please replace it with the corresponding directory.
  • For more information about this package, please refer to here.

Start Up

  • Please choose one from the following commands to run SVRDA:
    python -c /configuration_file_path
    python --configuration /configuration_file_path
  • Once the GUI is running, please go the URL specified in the terminal.
    Dash is running on  # On the local server
    Dash is running on http://A.B.C.D:8050/  # On the remote server

where the specific IP addresses can be customized here

Important Features


  • Rigid transformations with six degrees of freedom (three translation and three rotation parameters) can be applied to adjust the poses of 2D slices.
  • Transformations can be computed with respect to:
    • Patient Coordinate System: A static RAS+ coordinate system
    • Slice Coordinate System: A dynamic coordinate system based on the real-time pose of the currently selected slice
  • Please control transformations using the following keyboard shortcuts:
    • Translations in the Patient Coordinate System:
      • x axis: a, d
      • y axis: w, s
      • z axis: q, e
    • Translations in the Slice Coordinate System:
      • x axis: j, l
      • y axis: i, k
      • z axis: u, o
    • Rotations in the Slice Coordinate System:
      • x axis: Shift+W, Shift+S
      • y axis: Shift+A, Shift+D
      • z axis: Shift+Q, Shift+E


  • Modes are introduced to adjust the granularity of transformation control:
    • Macro Mode
      • All 2D slices are visible.
      • Transformations are applied to all 2D slices simultaneously.
    • Micro Mode
      • Only the selected 2D slice is visible.
      • Transformations are exclusively applied to the selected 2D slice.

Alignment Quantification

  • The alignment between data is quantitatively monitored in real-time by measuring the difference between the selected slice and its corresponding 2D cross-section image resampled from the 3D volume.
  • The following evaluation metrics have been implemented:
    • Normalised Mutual Information (NMI): A similarity metric that measure the ratio of the sum of the marginal entropy between the images.
    • Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD): A difference metric that measures the sum of the absolute difference between pixel values between the images.

Case and Saving

  • To shift to a new case, please:
    • use Previous/Next buttons to go through each case one-by-one.
    • select the new case ID in the dropdown showing the current case ID.
  • The current case is auto-saved before shifting to a new case.
  • Please notice that directly closing the browser won't save the current case. To save the last case, please manually press the Save button.


[Preprint] Official Implementation of SVRDA: A Web-based Dataset Annotation Tool for Slice-to-Volume Registration








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