This is an autohotkey like library for NodeJs
- Make global Macros and assign hotkeys to trigger them
- Make global hotstrings to expand text as you type it
- Catch global keyboard/mouse events in your code
- Operate keyboard, mouse and clipboard from code
npm install nodehotkey --save
follow this page to install dependencies for robot-js on your platform:
import { NodeHotKey } from 'nodehotkey';
let nhk = new NodeHotKey({});
Currently, we are passing an empty object. A Macro Config object can be passed to the constructor in order to create AutoHotkey like macros. Please refer to the next section for this.
Macros are pre-defined steps that can be triggered by either pressing hotkeys or typing hotstrings. These can be defined as JavaScript objects.
let macroConfig = {
'Name of the Macro': {
hotkeys: [kc._CONTROL, kc._E],
steps: [
{ type: 'This Macro can be triggered by pressing CTRL+E\n' },
{ type: "Wait for 3 secs then press ',' " },
{ wait: 3000 },
{ click: kc._COMMA },
{ func: tools => {
tools.type('Run JavaScript functions by pressing hotkeys');
we can then pass this macroConfig to constructor of NodeHotKey like this:-
let nhk = new NodeHotKey(macroConfig);
For more sample Marco configs check out MacroSamples_NodeHotKey.
nhk.on(nhk.eventTypes.keyPressed, (eventData) => {
console.log('KeyPressed ', eventData.keyCode);
following are the utility functions present in the package:-
import { pressKey, releaseKey, click,
type, paste, wait, setClipboardText,
getClipboardText, matchCurrentWindowTitle } from 'nodehotkey';
import { NodeHotKey, pressKey,releaseKey, KEYCODES as kc } from 'nodehotkey';
// press key
let macroConfig = {
'Name of the Macro': {
hotkeys: [kc._CONTROL, kc._E],
steps: [
{ type: 'This Macro can be triggered by pressing CTRL+E\n' },
{ type: "Wait for 3 secs then press ',' " },
{ wait: 3000 },
{ click: kc._COMMA },
{ func: tools => {
tools.type('Run JavaScript functions by pressing hotkeys');
let nhk = new NodeHotKey(macroConfig);
nhk.on(nhk.eventTypes.keyPressed, (eventData) => {
console.log('KeyPressed ', eventData.keyCode);
// nhk.stopListening(); // terminates the program
email: [email protected]
Note: currently Node V10 is not supported